MS or PhD Graduate Research Assistantship - Modeling Columbia Spotted Frog 
(Rana luteiventris) population dynamics

Department of Fisheries and Wildlife

Oregon State University, Corvallis OR

Responsibilities: The successful applicant will conduct a two-year research 
project developing decision models for predicting the response of Columbia 
Spotted Frog populations to alternative management actions. The project is a 
cooperative effort involving multiple state and Federal agencies in Utah and 
Nevada focusing on developing an adaptive framework for conserving Columbia 
Spotted Frog populations.

QUALIFICATIONS: The successful applicant should be highly motivated and have a 
B.S. in wildlife, fisheries, ecology, biology, zoology or closely related 
field. I also will give special consideration to students with BS in a 
quantitative or analytical field, such as statistics, and interests in 
ecological applications. Strong communication and interpersonal skills and an 
ability to work in a team situation are required. Field experience, such as 
experience with sampling herpetofauna, also is desirable, but not necessary. 
Minimum academic qualifications include a 1000+ on the GRE's combined verbal 
and quantitative a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 system). Additional graduate program 
information can be found at:

Salary: Approximately $20,000 per year  plus tuition.

Closing Date: Until filled. Selection will be made by June 2012.

Contact: SEND a cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts, GRE scores, and 
the names and phone numbers of three references to:

Dr. James T. Peterson

Assistant Unit Leader, Associate Professor
USGS Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-3803
Phone  541.737.1963


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