Please let others know about this opportunity


Thomas J. Dean

Professor, Quantitative Silviculture

School of Renewable Natural Resources

Louisiana State University A&M and Agricultural Center

Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Phone: (225) 578-4216

Cell: (225) 328-0930

Fax: (225) 578-4227 <> 


Research Assistantship for Ph.D. in the School of Renewable Natural

Louisiana State University

A graduate research assistantship is available for a Ph.D. student
starting this Fall semester (2012) to assist in instigating studies into
the factors affecting the elongation of vegetative buds in various
southern conifers as well as baldcypress and tupelo in southern
Louisiana. Qualified candidates will have training in plant physiology
and be willing to conduct both laboratory and field studies. The annual
stipend is $26,000/yr and includes a full tuition waiver and a
scholarship for student fees. The assistantship is made available by the
Lucuis Gilbert Foundation, and the recipient must meet GPA and GRE
requirements: cumulative graduate GPA of 3.6 and verbal and quantitative
scores of the GRE of at least 310 (1,200 prior to Aug 2011) with at
least 153 and 144 on the verbal and quantitative sections, respectively,
and a analytical writing score of at least 4.0. Performance on the GRE
will be evaluated in combination with GPA, letters of reference, and
other evidence of the applicant's potential success in pursuing a
graduate degree and representation of the Gilbert Foundation ideals. 

Louisiana State University is a comprehensive Research I institution
enrolling more than 28,000 students. The campus is located in south
Louisiana, 60 minutes from New Orleans, close to Louisiana's Cajun
country, and in the heart of the state's abundant forestry, wildlife,
and fisheries resources. The School of Renewable Natural Resources has
30 teaching, research, and extension faculty, which includes the US
Geological Survey's Louisiana Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research

For more information about graduate studies in the School of Renewable
Natural Resources you are encouraged to visit the School's web page
( and the Graduate School web page
( Interested applicants should send a CV, a
copy of GRE scores, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and contact
information for references to


Dr. Thomas Dean, Professor 

227 Renewable Natural Resources

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 <> 

(225) 578-4216






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