A graduate research assistantship at the PhD. level is available in the Invasive Plant Ecology Laboratory of Dr. Tarasoff at the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University. The successful applicant will lead an Integrated Pest Management project studying the use of the Wetblade^® (http://www.diamondmowers.com/) to control Canada thistle and common reed along roadways. The goals of the project are to reduce herbicide use, drift, applicator exposure and environmental contamination while improving invasive species control. As the project is experiment-based, field work will be required in the St.Paul/Minneapolis region. However, it is expected that the student will develop complementary greenhouse experiments.

A background in forestry, botany, ecology, weed science, plant physiology or agronomy is desirable; as well as, the application of statistical methods. Proficiency in spoken and written English is a necessity.

Michigan Tech is one of the Nation’s premier Forestry and Environmental Science Universities. The School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science has been ranked **fourth in the nation* <http://www.academicanalytics.com/TopSchools/TopPrograms.aspx#9>* for scholarly productivity among forestry schools, and *first in North America* <http://saf.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/saf/jof/2006/00000104/00000005/art00005> based on citations per faculty member.

Michigan Tech is located in the snowbelt (>200” annual snowfall) of Michigan's Keweenaw Peninsula on the south shore of Lake Superior. Michigan Tech is in the small town of Houghton, which was rated as one of the top 10 U.S. adrenaline outposts by National Geographic Adventure Magazine <http://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/0107/trips_5.html> and boasts excellent skiing, hiking, kayaking and mountain biking.

Consideration of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. The ideal start dates are May 1 or September1, 2009. Benefits include a monthly stipend and tuition waiver.

Interested applicants are encouraged to send a letter stating your interest in the 
program and a CV to Dr. Tarasoff via email at ctara...@mtu.edu. 

Catherine Tarasoff, PhD. – Assistant Professor
Weed Science - Invasive Plant Ecology
School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science &
Department of Biological Sciences

1400 Townsend Drive
Michigan Technological University
Houghton, MI


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