GraduateResearch Assistantship in Stored Product EntomologyOne graduate 
research assistantship is available for aPh.D. student in the Department of 
Entomology at Kansas State University. Theresearch will focus on the 
development of behaviorally-based managementstrategies such as attract-and-kill 
and the use of long-lasting insecticidenetting to prevent infestation by a 
range of stored product insects (e.g., redflour beetle, lesser grain borer, 
Indian meal moth) in mills, warehouses, andother facilities. This will include 
laboratory assays, semi-field experiments,and field trials. The student will be 
co-advised by faculty from the USDA-ARSCenter for Grain and Animal Health 
Research in Manhattan, KS. Successfulcandidates for this position should 
possess a M.S. in entomology, biology, or arelated field. The student is 
expected to be supported for at least three years,which includes an annual 
stipend of $25,000, graduate student fringe benefits,and tuition and fees 
applied towards the Ph.D. program. The position will beavailable starting in 
January 2018, or until a qualified candidate has beenidentified. Interested 
individuals should send their curriculum vitae, a coverletter, and the contact 
information for three references to either Dr. RobMorrison 
( Dr. Kun Yan Zhu ( September 
30, 2017 or as soon as possible. However, complete applicationsmust be 
submitted online at
_________________________Rob Morrison, Ph.D.Research EntomologistUSDA-ARS 
Center for Grain and Animal Health ResearchStored Product Insects and 
Engineering Research Unit1515 College Ave.Manhattan, KS

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