We have two Graduate Research Assistantships available for two graduate
students (MS/PhD) to work on the population genetics and community ecology
of invasive watermilfoil in Michigan waterways funded by the Michigan
Invasive Species Grants Program. One student will focus on the genetics
(microsatellites) and patterns of hybridization with native watermilfoil in
relation to herbicide resistance, and one student will focus on
understanding the ecology of invaded and treated communities within various
waterways to help understand the effects of the invasive and its control,
and design and implement management practices to better control invasive
watermilfoil.  Students will collaborate with each other and other members
of a multifaceted team that includes university researchers, community and
state agencies, and private and corporate interest groups.

Minimal qualifications include a background in ecology, evolution, invasive
species, and/or population genetics (through coursework OR research
positions) and a growing interest in these fields. A strong academic record,
evidence of excellent written and analytical skills, and enthusiasm for
field and laboratory research will be highly favored. 

Interested persons should contact Dr. Erika Hersch-Green (ehers...@mtu.edu)
and/or Dr. Casey Huckins (cjhuc...@mtu.edu) by email and include a CV, a
statement of interest in the research assistantship and their research
interests in general, and the names of three references. Suitable candidates
will then be contacted for an interview to discuss projects and reference
letters will be requested. Invited students will need to submit a formal
application to the graduate school at Michigan Technological University. 

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until April 15th
or until the positions are filled. 

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