JoGayle Howard Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Felid Reproduction

The Department of Reproductive Sciences, Center for Species Survival of the 
Smithsonian's Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) is proud to announce the 
availability of the JoGayle Howard Post-Doctoral Fellowship. This training 
opportunity is for women only. It honors the life and pioneering research of 
Dr. JoGayle Howard who made significant contributions to understanding the 
reproductive biology of endangered species, especially wild felids.

Our team is seeking a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the qualifications that 
embodied JoGayle Howard's career - enthusiasm, passion, hard work and absolute 
dedication to high quality science. Research will be in the area of felid 
reproductive biology, veterinary science and/or nutrition (or a combination).

The fellow will be working in a strong team environment with the opportunity 
for travel. A modest research allowance will be provided. This 2-year position 
(with an optional third year) has an annual stipend of $50,000.

A Ph.D. and/or D.V.M. are required. Candidates must have a strong interest in 
the study of felids and a background in reproductive physiology. We are 
considering only highly motivated women with outstanding communication skills 
(written and verbal) and evidence of working effectively with partners.

The Center for Species Survival has laboratories at the 3,200 acre SCBI 
facilities near Front Royal, VA and at the National Zoological Park in 
Washington DC. Its multidisciplinary research generates new knowledge to solve 
high priority conservation problems, especially related to species reproductive 
fitness, survival and sustainability.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vita with at least three reference 
contacts and a cover letter of interest via email attachments to Pierre 
Comizzoli The deadline for applications is July, 1 2017.
This opportunity is funded by the JoGayle Howard Revocable Trust

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