2017 Summer Field Technician: Thunder Basin National Grassland, WY

Position:       Rangeland Field Technician
Employer:       University of Wyoming
Pay:    $13/hr; housing provided; work 4 days (10 hrs/day) with 3-day 

Seeking Rangeland Field Technician to assist in data collection for two 
projects: 1) behavior of black-tailed prairie dogs; 2) vegetation 
response to prairie dogs, fire and grazing. Primary duties include 
vegetation monitoring, forage quality and biomass sampling, and prairie 
dog behavioral work. Miscellaneous duties may include installing small 
mammal exclosure cages, organizing for upcoming work day, data entry 
and/or video processing of prairie dog behavior. We provide on-the job 
training for vegetation monitoring techniques and plant identification. 

This is a great opportunity to gain experience working in a northern 
mixed-grass prairie with the University of Wyoming, private landowners, 
the US Forest Service and the USDA Agricultural Research Service. 
Technicians gain practical field skills for vegetation, grazing, and 
wildlife monitoring.  There will opportunities to interact with other 
researchers working on grassland birds and sagebrush restoration 

Preferred Skills:       Experience with vegetation monitoring methods 
(robel pole, estimates of species percent cover, shrub volume, shrub 
canopy, shrub herbivory, etc.) and rangeland plant ID skills. We work 
long days in inclement weather so a hard working attitude and sense of 
humor go a long way! 

Field Season:           May 15 – August 15 (dates semi-flexible)

Contact:        Send resume and cover letter to Lauren Connell (Crew 
leader) lconn...@uwyo.edu and Derek Scasta (PI) jsca...@uwyo.edu

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