Job Posting Bi-03 Quantitative Salmonid Ecologist

Closing date is July 8, 2009.

The Job:
The successful candidate will be based at the Cultus Lake Laboratory, Cultus 
Lake, British Columbia, Canada.   They will lead a fisheries research group 
working in a collegial lakes research program.  Research will focus on the 
assessment of juvenile sockeye salmon in British Columbia nursery lakes and the 
factors affecting production.  The position will lead or be involved in 
multidisciplinary research projects on a wide variety of B.C. lakes and sockeye 
stocks.  Field work may be extensive at times and will employ multiple field 
sampling methods including hydroacoustics and midwater trawling.  The position 
will be responsible for ongoing maintenance and analysis of an extensive 
juvenile sockeye database.  Responsibilities will include providing advice to 
both internal and external clients, and publishing results of the research. 

The job is posted at the Public Service Commission Canada job site.   Search 
for "research biologist'.  The direct link to the posting is:

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