MS Graduate Assistantship available in Entomology at The Pennsylvania State 
University (University 
Park, PA) to study sustainable, ecologically based cropping systems and their 
influence on 
invertebrate pest and natural enemy populations. We are designing 
cropping-system practices to 
minimize pest populations, conserve nutrients, soil, energy, and off-farm 
inputs. The cropping 
systems were initiated in 2010 by an interdisciplinary team of Penn State and 
USDA-ARS scientists.  
See our website for further information 
and-management/cropping-systems).  We are seeking graduate applicants for 
Spring or Fall 2014. 
For more information, contact: Dr. John Tooker, Department of Entomology 
(; 814-
865-7082) or Dr. Heather Karsten, Department of Plant Sciences (; 

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