2-yr postdoc on “Long-term biogeographic build-up of megafauna functional
structure worldwide” 

Title: Long-term biogeographic build-up of megafauna functional structure

Research Area and Project Description: This postdoc project is part of the
big Semper Ardens project “Megafauna ecosystem ecology from the deep
prehistory to a human-dominated future” (MegaPast2Future), funded by the
Carlsberg Foundation. Given intensifying human impacts, we are now at a
crossroads for Earth’s megafauna. Do we let it become lost or do we attempt
to restore it and its functional importance? Therefore, there is now rapidly
growing interest in understanding the role of megafauna in ecosystems and in
providing the scientific basis for megafauna restoration. MegaPast2Future
will provide the scientific basis for acting in this critical situation, via
a much improved theoretical and empirical basis, covering both basic science
and real-world applicability. The postdoc project will contribute to
building an integrative paleobiological-ecological understanding of how
megafauna functional complexity has built up (notably how predictable this
has been [vs. historically contingent], incl. how it has been affected by
past climate change) as well as assessing the ecosystem consequences.
Methodology: Apply macroecological analyses to the rich fossil record for
megafaunas globally, with a focus on functional composition.

Qualifications and Specific Competences: Applicants to the postdoc positions
must have PhD degree in paleobiology, ecology or evolutionary biology (or
equivalent) or have submitted their PhD thesis for assessment before the
application deadline. To be recruited for this position solid experience in
ecoinformatics and advanced statistical analyses of large paleobiological
and/or ecological data sets. Experience with quantitative paleobiology
and/or macroecology is expected. The successful candidate should also have
strong collaborative skills, proven abilities to publish at a high
international level, and have good skills in English and international
applicants who do not have English as their first language must document
strong English language qualifications.

Supervisors and collaborators: Project PI prof. Jens-Christian Svenning will
be the main supervisor. The postdoc will join a team working on the
long-term build-up of megafauna functional complexity, also including prof.
Svenning and a postdoc and a PhD student at Aarhus University, as well as
two international collaborators, prof. Felisa A. Smith (US), prof. Chris E.
Doughty (Oxford) and postdoc Søren Faurby (Spain), plus – a more general
level - other team members from other parts of the MegaPast2Future project.

Place of Employment and Place of Work: The place of employment is Aarhus
University, and the place of work is Section of Ecoinformatics &
Biodiversity (ECOINF), Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, Ny
Munkegade 114, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark. ECOINF is an ambitious,
collaborative and highly international research community. Postdocs and PhD
students are encouraged to collaborate within the group, across departments
and with other universities. More information about the people and research
activities of the group can be found at http://bit.ly/ecoinfAU.

Application dead-line: June 15 2016. Starting date: September 1st 2016, but

Contacts: Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact:
Professor Jens-Christian Svenning, phone +45 28992304, e-mail:

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