Within a collaborative framework between the CCTB (A. Keller, J. Cabral) and 
the Zoology III department 
(T. Schmitt, I. Steffan-Dewenter, S. Leonhardt) of the University of Würzburg, 
the bacterial associates of 
bees and wasps will be investigated, with focus on the influence of cuticular 
chemistry on community 
composition. Tasks of the project will be conducting field work, NGS-based 
microbiome assessments, 
bacterial cultivation, bioassays, chemical analyses, statistical modeling and 

Project description 

Currently, the inter- dependency of microbes and cuticular chemistry is unclear 
in insects, although the 
qualitative and quantitative composition of specific chemical compounds are 
likely to affect host 
associated microbiomes. The study seeks to characterize specific cuticular 
compounds that impact 
cuticular bacteria, assess their presence on natural Hymenoptera cuticular 
surfaces and model their 
interaction. Finally, we aim to find general surface microbiome assembly rules 
associated with different 
compositions and underlying life-histories.


Primary requirement is strong interest and motivation in biodiversity/chemical 
ecology research on 
molecular and organismal level. Further, applicants must have a MSc/ Diplom 
(DE) related to one of:

* Metagenomics
* Community ecology
* Pollination ecology
* Chemical ecology
* NextGen-Sequencing
* DNA-Barcoding
* Bioinformatics
* Microbial biochemistry
* Microbial cultivation

The successful candidates must be willing to become acquainted with these 
topics during the projects, 
as well as scientific writing in english.

Salary & Conditions

According to public service positions in Germany (50%) starting January 2019 
for three years. The 
University of Würzburg is an equal opportunity employer, i.e. female scientists 
are particularly 
encouraged to apply and disabled applicants will be preferentially considered 
in case of equivalent 
aptitude. We offer membership in friendly and ambitious young research work 
groups, as part of a vivid 

Applications and further information

Please send your application via eMail to PD Dr. Alexander Keller 
wuerzburg.de) as a single PDF document until 21. October 2018. Applications 
should include a cover 
letter, a short summary of research interests, CV, certificates, and contacts 
of two potential referees.


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