In recognition of the lifetime of outstanding contributions of Professor E. O. Wilson in the areas of ecology and evolutionary biology, including the study of social insects, biodiversity, and biophilia, this award was established in the year of Professor Wilson's retirement from Harvard University. The E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award will be given to an active investigator in mid-career who has made significant contributions to the knowledge of a particular ecosystem or group of organisms. Individuals whose research and writing illuminate principles of evolutionary biology and an enhanced aesthetic appreciation of natural history will merit special consideration. Nominations for the award will be solicited on an annual basis, and a committee appointed by the president of the American Society of Naturalists will select recipients of the award. The award will consist of an especially appropriate work of art and an honorarium of $2,000, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Naturalists. For the 2010 E. O. Wilson Naturalist Award, a nomination packet, including a letter of nomination, a curriculum vitae including a publication list, and three key publications, should be sent by February 10, to David Reznick <>. Please indicate “E. O. Wilson Award” in the subject line.

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