*NRT program seeking applicants in resilience of agro-ecosystems*

UNL’s National Research Traineeship (NRT) program funded by the National
Science Foundation is seeking master’s and Ph.D. students for
interdisciplinary training and study focused on understanding the
resilience of agro-ecosystems, particularly the Platte River Basin. The
basin, which drains through Nebraska, is one of the world’s most productive
and efficient agricultural systems, not only supporting agriculture but
also meeting the needs of industry and wildlife and for recreation and
drinking water. Around the world, such competing demands on water
resources, and external threats such as climate change and competition for
land, make it increasingly critical to have the best and clearest
scientific information to resolve complex food, energy, water and ecosystem
services problems. UNL’s NRT program is training the next generation of
natural and social scientists, computer and biological systems engineers,
managers and policymakers by increasing understanding and designing
infrastructure that leads to a knowledge of how resilience is generated in
complex systems of people and nature. The program provides
cross-disciplinary academic and experiential training for a diverse group
of graduate students in natural, social and computational sciences.
Students will receive their degree from their home departments—likely the
School of Natural Resources, the Biological Systems Engineering Department,
the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering, or the Department of Political Science—and meet in
the NRT laboratory for special trainings and interdisciplinary

Students will also participate in externships and workshops, engaging with
partners from the agricultural industry, state and federal government and
private organizations interested in maintaining the resilience of healthy
agro-ecosystems. Students will use resilience and panarchy theory, adaptive
management, data science, novel sensing technologies and modeling, and
policy interventions. They will help develop innovative tools for
collecting, synthesizing and analyzing data needed to make management and
policy decisions. Students will benefit from collaboration with other NRT
programs and from an international experience comparing the agro-ecosystem
of the Platte River Basin to those in western Europe through the Delft
Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands.

This program is a change from past academic cultures in that students and
faculty members from various disciplines meet, collaborate and coalesce
around one goal: responsibly managing agro-ecosystems. Knowledge gained
from work with the Platte River Basin is expected to be used in managing
agro-ecosystems elsewhere in the world and by students to meet career
demands of the future. Annual stipends are $34,000 for master’s students
(two-year maximum) and $36,000 for Ph.D. students (three-year maximum),
along with health insurance and remission of tuition and selected
university fees. Indigenous Peoples and those from other minority and
underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

For more information about UNL’s NRT program, see http://bit.ly/2oZVcxd . To
apply or seek further information, please contact Ronica Stromberg at

*Deadline for applications:  *March 30, 2018

*Start date:* August 2018

*Katharine F.E. Hogan, **M.Sc.*
Ph.D. Student
National Science Foundation Research Assistant
Nebraska Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
School of Natural Resources
University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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