R Programming for Data Sciences (7/2-8/16)

An online course through Michigan State University. Open to everyone!

Learn more at: www.for.msu.edu/graduate/r

Course instructor: Dr. Andrew Finley

Course overview: R has emerged as a preferred programming language in a 
wide range of data intensive disciplines. The goal of this course is to 
teach applied and theoretical aspects of R programming for data sciences. 
Topics will cover generic programming language concepts as they are 
implemented in high-level languages such as R. Course content focuses on  
design and implementation of R programs to meet routine and specialized 
data manipulation/management and analysis objectives. Attention will also 
be given to mastering concepts and tools necessary for implementing 
reproducible research.

The course is delivered entirely online through the course management 
system D2L. Topics listed below are covered in an active, project-based 
learning environment:

-History and overview of R
-Install and configuration of R programming environment
-Basic language elements and data structures
-Data input/output
-Data storage formats
-Subsetting objects
-Control structures
-Scoping Rules
-Loop functions
-Graphics and visualization
-Grammar of data manipulation (dplyr and related tools)
-Statistical simulation

Please contact Andrew Finley with questions at finl...@msu.edu

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