The winner of the 2014 OTS Student Paper Award is Susan Whitehead for the paper 
"Chemical ecology of fruit defense: synergistic and antagonistic interactions 
among amides from Piper" published in the journal Functional Ecology.  Susan is 
an alum of the 2008 Tropical Biology course and all of her research was 
conducted at La Selva Biological Station.  This research was part of her 
doctoral work at the University of Colorado under the direction of Deane 
Bowers.  Susan is currently a  Post-doctoral Research Associate in the 
Department of Entomology at Cornell University.

Honorable mention goes to Camilla Crifò for her paper "Variations in angiosperm 
leaf vein density have implications for interpreting life form in the fossil 
record" published in the journal Geology.  Camilla is an alum of the 2014 
Tropical Plant Systematics course.  This was her Master's research at Miami 
University (Ohio) under the direction of Ellen D. Currano.  Camilla is now a 
doctoral student at the University of Washington.

The Awards Committee was Kimberly G. Smith (Chair), University of Arkansas; 
Erin K. Kuprewicz, Smithsonian Institution; Kyle E. Harms, Louisiana State 
University; and the 2013 award winner Samantha R. Weintraub, University of Utah.

Look for the announcement for the 2015 competition this fall.

Best, Kim

Kimberly G. Smith
University Professor of Biological Sciences
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone:  479-575-6359  fax: 479-575-4010

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