14th World Conference on Parasitic Plants:
>From the Genome to the Field
June 25-30, 2017
Asilomar Conference Center // Pacific Grove, California

You are warmly invited to the 14th World Congress on Parasitic Plants. This 
congress, first convened in 1973 in Malta, brings together re-searchers from 
all parts of the world to discuss their latest findings in parasitic plant 
biology. Topics to be discussed this year include parasitic plant genes and 
genomes, ecology and evolution, and the biochemistry and physiology of host 
plant-parasitic plant interactions.

Parasitic plants provide exceptional opportunities to investigate organismal 
interactions, plant development and angiosperm evolution. Parasitic plants also 
include some of the world's most devastating agricultural pests, affecting the 
food security of millions, primarily in lesser developed countries, so the 
study of parasitic plants has both scientific and translational value.
The World Conference on Parasitic Plants will bring together about one hundred 
scientists from all parts of the globe to discuss their latest research on the 
biology, consequences and control of parasitic plants.

Keynote speakers include:
Peter McCourt, University of Toronto
Stéphane Muños, INRA, Toulouse
Claude DePamphilis, Penn State University
Markus Albert, University of Tuebingen Steven Runo, Kenyatta University
Philippe Delavault, University of Nantes
Salim Al Babili, King Abdullah University
David Nelson, University California, Riverside
           Jonne Rodenburg, Africa Rice Center, CGIAR
Hanan Eizenberg, ARO Volcani Center

Abstract deadline: April 14, 2017

Registration deadline Jun 1, 2017

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