The School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Auburn University is seeking candidates for a graduate research assistantship (Ph.D.) in Wildlife Ecology and Management to take the lead on a research project designed to study and model predator prey dynamics in Alabama with in an adaptive management framework, capturing the hypothetical ecological interactions between two species. The student will develop models with potentially competing hypotheses of species interactions focused on examining how management actions (different harvest rates, different predator control actions, habitat management, etc.) affect the primary objectives of increasing prey populations. The student will be expected to use computer modeling techniques possibly including adaptive stochastic dynamic programming to find the optimal management policy or strategy, given uncertainty about environmental variability, ecosystem function and management action effectiveness. There will be additional opportunity to design monitoring programs, analyze population data to estimate demographic parameters, and participate in field work to collect monitoring data. This will all be focused on developing management recommendations to aid state managers with decision making related to harvest, habitat and predator control, and hopefully improve decision making and success into the future. The project will be focus on Alabama populations but the results of this work will have far reaching impacts on deer and coyote management throughout the Southeast. The position will be available beginning in the summer of 2012, and will be open until filled. Research stipends are approximately $18,180, and a full tuition waiver is available. Applicants should possess an M.S. degree in Wildlife Ecology or related field, a good work ethic, and strong quantitative or modeling skills/interest. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Interested applicants should send a cover letter outlining their qualifications for the project, copies of transcripts and GRE scores, and contact information for at least 3 references to Dr. Conor McGowan. Application materials can be sent by e-mail or regular mail. Contact information is: Dr. Conor McGowan, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Building, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849. Phone - (334) 844-9231: E-mail //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Conor P. McGowan, Ph.D. Assistant Leader and Assistant Research Professor USGS, Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Auburn University Auburn, AL 36849-5418 Ph:334 844 9231 <> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------