PhD Graduate Assistantship Announcement


Dr. Denis Valle, Assistant Professor in the School of Forest Resources and
Conservation at the University of Florida (UF), is now accepting
applications for 2 PhD Graduate Research Assistantship positions. Research
in my group focuses on tackling important environmental science and
environmental health problems by creating and using innovative Bayesian
statistical models. Examples of this work include Valle and Clark 2013 (PLOS
Computational Biology) and Valle et al 2014 (Ecology Letters).


The assistantship includes full tuition coverage, Gator Grad Care health
insurance, and a yearly salary of $22,000 for up to four years.  The
position will be located at the UF campus in Gainesville, FL.  


Current projects focus on developing mixed-membership clustering methods for
human movement, forest biodiversity, and disease data; modeling malaria in
Ghana (risk factors and spatial patterns); and determining the public health
impact of hydroelectric dams in the Brazilian Amazon region. This project
will benefit from large-scale datasets from my group as well as ongoing
interdisciplinary collaborations. Potential field trips might be required.
Duties include writing and presenting result of research in scientific
conferences, searching and applying for additional sources of funding, and
assisting other students within the team on field activities or statistical
analyses, among others. Student will also be required to serve as a teaching
assistant for one course per year and will be expected to produce
manuscripts for publication in top scientific journals.


Applicants should be highly motivated and enthusiastic. Furthermore,
applicants should have:

*         Prior experience with the statistical software R. 

*         Prior experience with GIS 

*         Strong background on environmental sciences and/or public health
with experience in (or want to become proficient on) advanced statistical
Bayesian models. Alternatively, this position could also be filled by
someone with a strong quantitative background (e.g., statistics or
engineering) who wants to learn more about environmental science and public

*         GRE minimum scores of 153 Verbal; 155 Quantitative;
Analytical/writing 4

*         MS degree with GPA exceeding 3.5. Exceptional candidates without
an MS may be considered. 

*         Prior computer programming experience is a plus 


The candidate must meet the formal admission requirements for the University
of Florida and the School of Forest Resources and Conservation.
(  Additional information on my
research and myself can be found at


If interested, please email the items listed below to
<> or formally apply to UF Admissions
<> and include the
documents listed below: 


*         One page cover letter to include a brief review of your research
experience, interests and goals

*         CV with contact information

*         GRE scores and percentiles

*         Transcripts (unofficial) from all previous colleges and

*         Three academic references


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