Graduate Assistantships and Fellowships Available
 Purdue University
The Department of Entomology at Purdue University is recruiting outstanding students for MS and Ph.D. programs. Prospective students are invited to apply, and to visit the department in West Lafayette, Indiana. The Department will cover costs of travel, hotel and a meal allowance for top applicants to visit campus during March of 2018. Our more than 20 faculty have interests that span basic and applied entomology, encompassing the following broad themes: • Biological control • Insect biochemistry and cell biology • Insect-plant interactions • Integrated pest and resistance management • Landscape ecology • Molecular, behavioral, and population genetics • Systematic entomology • Urban and industrial entomology • Vector biology • Invasive Species Interested students should contact prospective faculty before applying: For additional details about graduate study at Purdue, please visit: Contact Ms. Amanda Wilson, Graduate Program Assistant,, for application materials and administrative information.
 Students must apply by January 5, 2018 to be considered for both assistantships and travel awards.