This October the large common-garden plant-soil feedback field experiment at
Cedar Creek Ecosystem Science Reserve in East Bethel, Minnesota will become
available for management by another research group.  This experiment
consists of a full-factorial, two-phase experiment testing responses of 16
species (in four functional groups) to soil previously conditioned by either
the same or a different species.  The full-factorial two-phase design is
considered the gold standard in plant-soil feedback research.  This
experiment was designed to test plant-soil feedbacks as a potential
mechanism for the biodiversity-productivity relationship, and therefore has
a small replicate biodiversity experiment nearby.

This experiment takes two part-time workers and a manager to maintain during
the summer growing season.  It has been well-maintained over the past four
years, and comes with a functional irrigation system.  It would be ideal for
determining how long plant-soil feedback effects last, or how irrigation
affects plant-soil feedbacks.

If you would like more information about the experiment, please contact me
via email at

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