Dear all,

CATIE looking for a strong candidate in economics of ecological agriculture.
I am attaching the position below, but ask that you please broadcast
broadly. This is a fantastic position which provides research, teaching,
development an extension activities, primarily in Mesoamerica but will
global ties (EU, USA, Africa in particular). Its a fantastic position for a
young, hard-working or motivated individual wanted to pursue a career with a
broad and real impact in the Latin American region.

Ecological Agriculture Economist Internal/External Vacancy
Division: Research and Development Program: Livestock and Environmental
Management (GAMMA)
Immediate Supervisor: Leader of GAMMA Program
Job Type: International Professional Staff
Venue: Central CATIE, Turrialba, Cartago, Costa Rica
Mesoamerica and many parts of South America are characterized with
pasture-dominated landscapes. Agricultural expansion tied to cattle ranching
has been identified as a primary cause of deforestation and the degradation
of ecosystem services. The Livestock and Environmental Management Group
(GAMMA) at CATIE is a pioneer in the management of silvopastoral systems for
competitive livestock systems, and the restoration of ecosystem services in
degraded pasture landscapes. In this respect it has as one of its main
priority to promote climate smart cattle production systems in the Tropical
Latin American Region. The group has led regional initiatives on Payments
for Ecosystem Services in pasture dominated landscapes, and with Rainforest
Alliance, developed sustainable management standards for the certification
of cattle farms. Currently it is implementing several projects to evaluate
how¨policymixes¨ contribute to the effectiveness of conservation of
biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services in agricultural landscape
dominated by cattle. As such, GAMMA is seeking a highly qualified,
interdisciplinary scientist to lead our efforts in developing competitive
livestock systems based on silvopastoral practices; and in implementing
market based incentives and regulatory frameworks for Meso-and
sustainable management of cattle farms and landscapes in
€    Participate in multi disciplinary team environment € working on
sustainable livestock systems.
€    Analyze multiple value chains in landscapes dominated by cattle to
determine how implementation of silvoapstoral systems contributes to
competitiveness of livestock farms.
€    Lead research and development projects on incentive schemes for
sustainable farming systems including best management practices,
certification, and payment for ecosystems services (carbon, water,
€ Lead research on the valuing and payment of ecosystem services in cattle
dominated landscapes including research on the costs and benefits of
ecosystem service provision to society (at different scales: farm,
community, county, national level).
€    Coordinate research to evaluate the economic, social and ecological
impacts of climate smart silvopastoral systems.
Contribute to CATIE¹s education program by supervising Masters and Doctoral
students and participation in CATIE courses.
Participate in CATIE¹s extension activities, including farmer training
€ Collaborate with other programs at CATIE including: Climate Change and
Watersheds; Production and Conservation in Forests; Agroforestry and
Sustainable Agriculture.
€    Publish results in peer reviewed international journals, as well as in
regional extension publications.
€    Participate in elaboration and negotiation of research and development
proposals related to sustainable and climate smart livestock systems and
ecosystem services. TECHNICAL SKILLS:
€    At least a PhD degree from a recognized University in the field of
Agricultural Economics, or Ecological Economics or Environmental Economics
€    At least five years experience in the development of sustainable
livestock systems (preference for ruminant production systems) or related
€    Experience in modeling using system approaches
€    At least five articles related to livestock and environment or
ecosystem services published in international journals
€    Billingual-english and spanish
€    Experience in Latin America preferred
€    Capacity to manage tools (software, GIS, etc.) to be applied in
modeling or simulation studies
Located in Costa Rica, CATIE combines science, graduate education and
technical cooperation. Its campus is located in a tranquil and secure
natural area, rich in biodiversity, providing a high quality of life.
Innovation, excellence, service, integration and appreciation of diversity,
are some of the values of an institution which promotes professional growth,
international and multicultural exchange.
For more information go to: Interested persons should send
letter of application, curriculum vitae and salary requirements to  <> Deadline for receipt of
documents: February 12, 2012.
CATIE does not discriminate by gender, ethnicity, age status, creed
religious or political. It urges men and women on equal terms to

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