Odum School of Ecology Teaching Postdoctoral Program

The Odum School of Ecology (OSE) at the University of Georgia invites
applications from outstanding early-career scientists for a school-supported
postdoctoral appointment.  S/he will pursue a collaborative research project
with one or more OSE faculty members while teaching at the graduate and/or
undergraduate levels. Instructional activities may include contributing to
existing core courses, developing a new course in the applicant’s area of
interest, and mentoring students in directed research. The anticipated term
of appointment is two years, with the second year contingent on satisfactory
performance. We seek candidates with a PhD in Ecology or related field, and
with outstanding potential in research and teaching, who can contribute to
the inclusive teaching and research missions of the OSE community. The
appointment is accompanied by an annual research and travel budget of $2000.
 For more information on the Odum School and our academic programs, please
see our website:  www.ecology.uga.edu

To apply, candidates should propose a research project that involves one or
more mentor(s) from the Odum School of Ecology, and describe the project in
2 pages or less, including objectives, background, approach, and feasibility
(with additional length permitted for references or figures). Applicants
should combine into a single PDF file a (I) cover letter that describes
teaching interests, proposed teaching activities and career goals, (II)
curriculum vitae, (III) research proposal, (IV) contact information for 3
professional references, and (V) a statement from proposed research mentor
in support of applicant, including how the applicant and project would
benefit the school as a whole. Materials should be submitted as an
attachment sent to osepostdoc...@uga.edu.  Award decisions will consider the
hosting lab’s research/mentoring record and support for the proposed
project, the applicant’s credentials, the novelty and feasibility of the
proposed research project, and the proposed teaching and mentoring
activities. Projects promoting synergy across multiple labs are encouraged.


Applications must be received by Nov 20 to ensure full consideration, with
an anticipated start date between Feb-Jul 2019.  Questions should be
directed to Sonia Altizer, salti...@uga.edu, or Ford Ballantyne, f...@uga.edu.

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