Professor of Invasion Ecology
Vacancy 12-94

The Bio-Protection Research Centre (, hosted 
at Lincoln University, New Zealand, is one of only seven national Centres of 
Research Excellence.  The Centre specialises in fundamental plant 
bioprotection research and technology development for New Zealand’s 
productive ecosystems.  We invite applications for the position of Professor 
of Invasion Ecology to establish and lead a world-class research group and 
integrate into research activities in related fields at the Bio-Protection 
Research Centre. 

Candidates with outstanding, internationally recognised scientific track 
records in any quantitative or modelling aspect of population ecology or 
epidemiology will be considered, but preference may be given to quantitative 
ecologists working on the dynamics, distributions and/or impacts of pests, 
pathogens or weeds of agriculture, forestry and/or the natural environment. 

Candidates must have proven track records of research leadership with 
demonstrable skills in building research groups, successful postgraduate 
supervision and postdoctoral mentoring, obtaining grant funding nationally 
and internationally, and a substantive record of publications in high impact 
journals.  The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the 
supervision of graduate students and to obtain further funds for research 
through competitive grants.

Your application should include a signed letter of motivation, your 
curriculum vitae, including research experience and interests, record of 
research funds obtained, postgraduate supervision and a complete list of 
publications.  Please also supply the names and contact details of three 
referees who have detailed knowledge of your academic work and achievements 
and may be contacted during the selection process. Please send completed 
applications to For further details of the post can be 
found at
Informal enquiries regarding eligibility, scope and opportunity of this post 
may be made to Professor Philip Hulme The letter 
of application should be addressed to the Vice-Chancellor. The closing date 
for applications is 31 March 2013.  

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