The Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and the University of
California Irvine, with support from the European Research Council, are
organizing the short course Radiocarbon in the Earth System. 
This course will take place between September 24-27, 2017, in Jena, Germany. 

This course will expose participants to the uses of radiocarbon in ecology
and earth system science. Classroom activities provide an overview of
radiocarbon in the current and past global carbon cycle as well as in the
atmosphere, oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. Hands-on activities focus on
creating a tracer-free lab environment and avoiding contamination in the
field and lab, collecting samples in the field, choosing standards and
blanks, processing and analyzing samples in the laboratory, and analyzing
and interpreting radiocarbon data.
We seek participants with broad interests in ecology and earth system
science who are planning on, or are currently, using radiocarbon techniques
as part of their research, and wish to expand their understanding of this
important and useful tool. This course is suitable for graduate students,
postdocs and researchers, and welcomes others with a strong interest. 

For more information and to apply, visit the course website:

Please distribute this message to potential participants.

Carlos A. Sierra
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
07745 Jena

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