Hello Student Section members and non-members,

 Congratulations to all ESA students for their great participation at the
2011 ESA Annual Meeting!  The Student Section has updated its website with
important information: http://www.esa.org/students/section/node/1

 1. Meeting minutes of our ESA-SS Business Meeting
 2. Names of the 2011-2012 ESA SS Officers and Committees
 3. 2011 ESA-SS Awards Recipients

 In the minutes section, you will find several positions that are still in
need of a motivated student. If you are interested in any of these positions
please contact us. The SS Board is specifically looking for a Vice-Chair
that will help the SS Board throughout the year. The most important
component of this position, is that it serves as a training period for the
Vice-Chair officer to become Chair the following academic year. Again, if
you are interested, please contact me.

 If you are not a member of the SS, please join, it is only $5!

 Gracias and stay involved,

ESA - SS Board

Jorge Ramos, Chair
Dayani Pieri, Secretary
Casee Lemons, Treasurer

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