Two PhD positions in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning and multitrophic 
interactions at the 
University of Bern

Applications are invited for two, PhD positions working with Prof. Eric Allan, 
at the University of 
Bern in Switzerland.
Nitrogen enrichment is a key global change driver in grasslands which impacts 
ecosystem functioning 
through a range of direct and indirect effects. The project aims to 
experimentally disentangle some 
of these mechanisms, including looking at effects of biodiversity loss 
alongside changes in plant 
functional composition and foliar fungal pathogen abundance. We also aim to 
test the effects of 
global change on pathogen communities, theories about when pathogens have their 
largest top down 
effects on plant communities and to explore the host range of fungal pathogens 
with further 

The two PhD students will set up, and work on, a large grassland field 
experiment near the city of 
Bern. One PhD student will focus more on ecosystem functioning (including 
quantifying measures of 
nitrogen and carbon cycling and litter decomposition) and the other on 
responses and effects of 

We are seeking highly motivated applicants interested in biodiversity-ecosystem 
functioning, plant 
community ecology and multitrophic interactions. Applicants must hold (or 
shortly complete) a Master 
degree or equivalent in biology or another relevant discipline, with a good 
background in ecology. 
Some previous research experience in ecology and good statistical knowledge are 
desirable. Strong 
oral and written communication skills in English are required. The positions 
will be based at the 
Institute of Plant Sciences in Bern, which offers a stimulating, international 
research environment 
and excellent facilities ( Bern is also a 
beautiful city with a high 
quality of life. 

Please send your application by email (as a single PDF) to Applications 
should include a CV, names and addresses of two references and a one page cover 
letter outlining 
your motivation for the position and research interests. Applications will be 
reviewed from 26th 
June 2015 until the position is filled. The expected start date is 1st 
September 2015.

For queries on the application process or more information on these positions, 
please contact Prof. 
Eric Allan

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