[ECOLOG-L] Two workshops on the Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data held in St Andrews, Scotland (early registration 10 August)

2010-07-19 Thread Eric Rexstad
Workshop 1: Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop - 6-7th 
September 2010
Workshop 2: Bayesian Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop - 
8-10th September 2010

Further details:

Workshop 1: *Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data Workshop* - Instructors: 
Professor Byron Morgan and Dr Rachel McCrea
This workshop will cover the essentials of statistical methods for the 
analysis of capture-recapture data. Methods of classical inference based 
on likelihood construction and maximisation will be used throughout. The 
workshop will include both introductory and advanced material, including 
current research. The workshop will be led by Professor Byron Morgan and 
Dr Rachel McCrea both based at the University of Kent in Canterbury. 
They are in the process of writing a book "Analysis of Capture-Recapture 
Data" which will form the basis of the workshop. One extensive 
application, on cormorants, /Phalacrocorax carbo/, will be used to 
integrate different aspects of the work. Additional data sets will be 
provided for individual experimentation. The four computer practical 
sessions will use programs and packages written in the free language R 
as well as code for symbolic algebra package Maple. Talks will be 
accompanied by copies of talk slides, and memory sticks will be provided 
which will contain more detailed notes, computer programs and data sets, 
as well as the talk slides. Participants are encouraged to bring their 
own data sets for discussion and analysis. By the end of the workshop, 
participants will have the confidence and ability to fit a wide range of 
capture-recapture models, for use in ecology and other areas of 
application. The workshop will form the basis for the subsequent 
workshop on /Bayesian analysis for Population Ecology/.

Earlybird registration for workshop 1 (before 10th August) will be £360 
(and £290 for students).

Workshop 2: *Bayesian Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop* - 
Instructors: Dr Ruth King, Prof Byron Morgan and Dr Olivier Gimenez

Bayesian methods are making an enormous impact in the area of population 
ecology. In this workshop participants will be given instruction on the 
underlying ideas associated with Bayesian methods and computational 
algorithms, applied to the area of population ecology, with particular 
focus on mark-recapture-recovery data. The workshop will begin with an 
introduction to Bayesian methods and the Markov chain Monte Carlo 
algorithm before considering more advanced topics, including, for 
example, random effects models, state-space models, dealing with missing 
data, model selection (including posterior model probabilities and model 
averaging) and the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. 
Theory and methods will be motivated and illustrated using a range of 
ecological capture-recapture examples. The workshop will make use of 
(and provide) the recently published book "Bayesian Analysis for 
Population Ecology" by King, Morgan, Gimenez and Brooks. The workshop 
will combine lectures with hands-on computer practical sessions using 
and adapting the computer programs provided by the organisers in both 
WinBUGS and R. In addition to the book, particpants will also receive a 
memeory stick containing the talk slides, datasets analysed and all the 
WinBUGS and R codes used in the workshop. No prior knowledge of Bayesian 
methods will be assumed, however, we will assume that delegates will 
either have attended the “Analysis of Capture-recapture Data” workshop 
immediately prior to this workshop or have knowledge or experience of 
capture-recapture data and the Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model. Workshop 
participants will acquire new statistical tools for answering important 
questions relevant to the conservation and management of wild animal 

Earlybird registration for workshop 2 (before 10th August) will be £540 
(and £430 for students).

For further information, including a complete draft schedule for each 
workshop, registration information and contact details, see 
http://creem2.st-andrews.ac.uk/workshops.aspx and associated links.

Enquiries should be addressed to Rhona Rodger (rh...@mcs.st-and.ac.uk 

[ECOLOG-L] Two workshops on the Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data held in St Andrews, Scotland

2010-06-30 Thread Eric Rexstad

Workshop 1: Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop - 6-7th

September 2010
Workshop 2: Bayesian Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop - 
8-10th September 2010

Further details:

Workshop 1: *Analysis of Capture-Recapture Data Workshop* - Instructors: 
Professor Byron Morgan and Dr Rachel McCrea
This workshop will cover the essentials of statistical methods for the 
analysis of capture-recapture data. Methods of classical inference based 
on likelihood construction and maximisation will be used throughout. The 
workshop will include both introductory and advanced material, including 
current research. The workshop will be led by Professor Byron Morgan and 
Dr Rachel McCrea both based at the University of Kent in Canterbury. 
They are in the process of writing a book "Analysis of Capture-Recapture 
Data" which will form the basis of the workshop. One extensive 
application, on cormorants, /Phalacrocorax carbo/, will be used to 
integrate different aspects of the work. Additional data sets will be 
provided for individual experimentation. The four computer practical 
sessions will use programs and packages written in the free language R 
as well as code for symbolic algebra package Maple. Talks will be 
accompanied by copies of talk slides, and memory sticks will be provided 
which will contain more detailed notes, computer programs and data sets, 
as well as the talk slides. Participants are encouraged to bring their 
own data sets for discussion and analysis. By the end of the workshop, 
participants will have the confidence and ability to fit a wide range of 
capture-recapture models, for use in ecology and other areas of 
application. The workshop will form the basis for the subsequent 
workshop on /Bayesian analysis for Population Ecology/.

Earlybird registration for workshop 1 (before 10th August) will be £360 
(and £290 for students).

Workshop 2: *Bayesian Analysis of Capture-recapture Data Workshop* - 
Instructors: Dr Ruth King, Prof Byron Morgan and Dr Olivier Gimenez

Bayesian methods are making an enormous impact in the area of population 
ecology. In this workshop participants will be given instruction on the 
underlying ideas associated with Bayesian methods and computational 
algorithms, applied to the area of population ecology, with particular 
focus on mark-recapture-recovery data. The workshop will begin with an 
introduction to Bayesian methods and the Markov chain Monte Carlo 
algorithm before considering more advanced topics, including, for 
example, random effects models, state-space models, dealing with missing 
data, model selection (including posterior model probabilities and model 
averaging) and the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. 
Theory and methods will be motivated and illustrated using a range of 
ecological capture-recapture examples. The workshop will make use of 
(and provide) the recently published book "Bayesian Analysis for 
Population Ecology" by King, Morgan, Gimenez and Brooks. The workshop 
will combine lectures with hands-on computer practical sessions using 
and adapting the computer programs provided by the organisers in both 
WinBUGS and R. In addition to the book, particpants will also receive a 
memeory stick containing the talk slides, datasets analysed and all the 
WinBUGS and R codes used in the workshop. No prior knowledge of Bayesian 
methods will be assumed, however, we will assume that delegates will 
either have attended the “Analysis of Capture-recapture Data” workshop 
immediately prior to this workshop or have knowledge or experience of 
capture-recapture data and the Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) model. Workshop 
participants will acquire new statistical tools for answering important 
questions relevant to the conservation and management of wild animal 

Earlybird registration for workshop 2 (before 10th August) will be £540 
(and £430 for students).

For further information, including a complete draft schedule for each 
workshop, registration information and contact details, see 
http://creem2.st-andrews.ac.uk/workshops.aspx and associated links.

Enquiries should be addressed to Rhona Rodger (rh...@mcs.st-and.ac.uk 