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Post Doctoral Research Associate Position Available


Private Land Conservation: Adaptation and Vulnerability


Conduct collaborative interdisciplinary research on conservation easements
in a changing climate, involving six universities, multiple agencies and
NGOs, and research in law, ecology, and social sciences.


A full-time 1-year postdoctoral position, Fall 2010 to Fall 2011, will
spearhead collaborative research on the adaptive capacity and vulnerability
of conservation easements to climate change in diverse contexts. We will
integrate research and graduate education, conducting a distributed graduate
seminar in Spring 2011 to collect data on 30 organizations and over 400
conservation easements in six states through a centralized online database.
Students and professors span law, ecology, and social science backgrounds
and include Denver Univ, Indiana Univ, Stanford Univ, SUNY-Buffalo, Univ of
Utah, and UW-Madison and collaboration with The Nature Conservancy and other
conservation organizations. Position is based in Madison, WI. The postdoc
will have the opportunity to collaborate on grant proposals. Salary is
$33,000-40,000 plus benefits, depending on experience. Preferred start date
is early Fall 2010.




.           Ph.D. in natural resources or environmental policy and
management, geography, social-ecological systems, or related field required

.           Quantitative and qualitative data analysis including statistics

.           Survey experience preferred

.           Experience with GIS preferred

.           Knowledge of land conservation desired

.           Experience with climate change impacts and social/organizational
adaptation processes desired 

.           Proven oral and written communication skills


Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis starting August 2, 2010. To
apply, send cover letter, CV, unofficial graduate transcripts, and contacts
for 3 references to:


               Adena R. Rissman

               Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

               University of Wisconsin 



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