Subject: Upcoming Jamaica Bay Terrapin Research Season--volunteers needed!
Once again we are seeking new and returning volunteers to help with the 
diamondback terrapin (DBT) research and conservation project at Jamaica Bay 
(NYC) in June and July 2016.  It is still cold outside, but oftentimes folks 
need to plan pretty far ahead.  A lot has changed at JB recently and we have 
lots of new projects, so this year is bound to be exciting.
Volunteer work can be arranged around anyone's summer schedule.  The volunteer 
experience varies tremendously between people because of differences in 
abilities.  Most of our volunteers come out one or two days/week, others come 
out for one longer stretch of days or weeks.  Work mostly involves walking thru 
known nesting areas and looking for nesting DBT, then following a standard 
protocol for marking nests, capturing DBT, and data collection.  We do not work 
with volunteers under the age of 17.  We regularly make arrangements for 
students to get college credit for their work experience.
The research site is easily accessible from NYC, Long Island, and nearby NJ by 
car, subway, or bus.  Volunteers are never more than a 20 minute walk to the 
Jamaica Bay Visitor Center, which is air conditioned and has water and 

To learn more, visit our web site at  To join us, email me at<>.  You can also join us at the 
Facebook group Jamaica Bay Terrapin Research and 

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