Dear fellow ecologists,

The ESA student section is inviting you to check out this year’s amazing 
student films for our annual Eco-film festival. Go tour contest page at 
SciVee  and vote for your favorite video 
(located at bottom of the page). The films are short (~8 min) and have 
been created to educate the public about ecological issues. So take a 
moment to relax and see how students have used film to share their 
knowledge about ecology and conservation. Help these students get the 
credit they deserve, not to mention a $100 prize. 
Voting for the People’s Choice award is easy. Go to the ESA student film 
festival contest site at Make sure you are 
logged into the SciVee site (free) and then view the videos. Click the 
star rating you prefer under each video that you review. A “Thank You for 
Voting” notice will appear and your vote will be recorded toward the total 
for the People’s choice award. Note, you may only vote once for each video.

If you have any questions please contact Sean Ryan at 


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