PHYSIOLOGIST The Department of Biology at Northeastern Illinois University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the ASSISTANT PROFESSOR level to begin September 2008. We seek a candidate who uses modern physiological techniques to address any of a wide range of questions related to the biology of either vertebrates or invertebrates.
The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and ability to engage graduate and undergraduate students in research. Teaching responsibilities will include vertebrate physiology, a course involving a major group of animals, and courses in an area of specialization. Contributions to both the undergraduate and graduate programs will be expected as well as research and service. An earned doctorate in animal physiology or a related field is required. Northeastern Illinois University is a comprehensive state university of over 12,000 commuter students located on the northwest side of Chicago and is recognized as having the most ethnically diverse student body in the Midwest. Send letter of application, official transcripts, curriculum vitae with current e-mail address, statements of teaching philosophy and research plans, copies of published research if available, and three letters of recommendation, at least one addressing teaching effectiveness to: Physiology Search, c/o Dr. John Kasmer, Chair, Department of Biology, Northeastern Illinois University, 5500 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, IL 60625-4699, or via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Review of applications will begin October 15, 2007, and continue until position is filled. For further information, contact Dr. John Kasmer via e-mail. Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. AA/EOE.