Call for Abstracts

Annals of the Association of American Geographers

2013 Special Issue: Geography of Water

The Annals of the Association of American Geographers invites
abstracts of papers to be considered for a special issue on the
Geography of Water. This will be the fifth of a series of annual
special issues that highlight the work of geographers around a
significant global theme. Papers are sought from a broad spectrum of
scholars who address social, cultural, political, environmental,
economic, theoretical, and methodological issues focused on the
geography of water. These include original research in such areas as
water and conflict, spatial disparities in access to water-related
services, water and global environmental change, water and habitats,
analysis and simulation of water systems, water and risk, policy and
law applied to water environments, and other relevant areas. Abstracts
of no more than 250 words should be submitted by February 1, 2011 to Final papers will be due (via Manuscript Central) by
October 1, 2011 for publication in 2013. Papers will have a target
maximum length of 5,000 words, with a smaller limit if a large number
of tables and/or figures are included. All submitted papers will be
subject to full peer review.

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