Thursday 3rd November 2011
University of Manchester Conference Centre
Manchester, UK
Localism: Sufficient and fit for purpose?
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*Conference Objectives**
*Localism and regionalism tend to be seen as conflicting and competing
conceptions of territorial organisation. Indeed, there are well rehearsed,
albeit evolving, debates which engage with the theoretical and policy
architectures underpinning regionalism and localism. These two forms of
territorial organisation have their origins in different schools of thought,
underpinned by fundamentally different ideals around the structure and role
of both government and governance in territorial management, the scales at
which these functions are most effectively operationalised and how they
relate to each other. The current debates in the UK on Local Enterprise
Partnerships (LEPS) illustrate this.
Nevertheless, many successful economies around the world have strong local
government structures which are complemented by regional structures, either
in the form of federal elected regional bodies, regional development
institutions, or special purpose delivery vehicles. International evidence
suggests that a regional structure provides a mechanism for thinking
strategically about priorities of regional significance such as economic
development and transport; that it allows scope for the setting of
longer-term policy priorities; and that it can coordinate and frame
collective arguments and priorities, and in doing so can provide a conduit
through which to lobby national government and, increasingly, international
agencies, yet also organise a plethora of local interests. This raises a
crucial question which will form the theme for this conference: can localism
deliver effective interventions and outcomes at a time when economic shifts
have forced an adjustment to social, political, and cultural norms to which
places must respond?
*Target Audience*
The conference is open to all: academics; policy makers and practitioners;
and we especially encourage early career researchers, including individuals
who are currently undertaking an academic degree or post-doctoral studies,
to attend and use this opportunity to present their research.
The day will consist of both parallel workshop sessions and plenary
*Plenary speakers:*
*Morning Session*
· *The Politics and Governance of Territorial Development under
Professor Gerry Stoker, University of Southampton
*Sub-National Economic Development and Localism*
Professor Mike Raco, Kings College London
· *Planning, Regeneration and Localism*
Dr. Hugh Ellis, Chief Planner, Town and Country Planning Association **
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*Afternoon Session*
· *Localism and the Environment
*Dr Richard Cowell, Cardiff University* *
Leading the discussion: Baron Frankal, Research Director, New Economy,
*Contributions are welcomed on the following themes:*
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· *The Politics and Governance of Territorial Development under
Regionalism and localism have their roots in very different
conceptualisations of the roles and structures of political and governance
architectures that underpin territorial development. There has been a shift
in recent months towards a post-regional policy framework in England, and
with this shift, there has been increasing emphasis placed on enhancing
participatory democracy at the local level. In the English context localism
is seen to offer a framework for achieving the decentralisation of power;
the realisation of development driven by neighbourhoods and local
authorities; and increasing accountability at the local level. These
changes raise interesting questions around the coordination of territorial
development, the role of politics and governance as well as fiscal
responsibility in this coordination exercise which may be locally or
centrally defined. For example, what is the role of professionals,
policymakers, local authorities, communities and NGOs in coordinating and
delivering territorial development within a localism framework? Who will
champion strategic priorities? What are the opportunities and challenges
that participatory democracy present for the achievement of territorial
development goals? This track is interested in understanding the nature of
this emerging localism architecture and its contrasting form and function to
that which underpins regionalism and will interrogate localism as a
framework for facilitating and managing sustainable territorial development.
· *Sub-National Economic Development and Localism*
There are well-established and ongoing international debates being had
around the viability and sustainability of local and regional economies.