Posted on behalf of Neil Reid.


Dear Colleagues:

Please find attached the call for papers for a mini-conference on the theme
of "Innovation and Creativity in Emerging Economic Spaces: Local
Entrepreneurship and Transnational Corporations" that will be held under
the auspices of the IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces in
Krakow, Poland on May 3-12, 2012.

Please review the call for papers (below) and contact either Dr. Grzegorz
Micek at or Dr. Neil Reid at if you
have questions.

* *

*International Geographical Union *

*Commission on The Dynamics of Economic Spaces*

*Jagiellonian University *

*Institute of Geography and Spatial Management*

* *


2012 mini-conference

*Innovation and Creativity
in Emerging Economic Spaces:*

*Local Entrepreneurship
and Transnational Corporations***

* *

3rd-5th May 2012

Kraków, Poland

Dense networks of local inter-connected firms facilitate the creation of
innovative milieu. Formal and informal linkages between companies and other
stakeholders lead to enhanced local creativity. A similar role may be
played by transnational corporations, which may gradually become embedded
in relations with local partners. Hence, new economic spaces of innovation
and creativity emerge and lead to geographical, institutional and social

The objective of the Conference is to examine the innovative and creative
local and foreign businesses and to study the relationships between local
companies and global enterprises. It is widely accepted that the scope of
innovative behavior is not limited to high-tech industries or
knowledge-intensive business services; creativity in ‘traditional’
industries is no less important. Since operations and linkages of local and
global enterprises are highly volatile, the dynamics of these relations can
be especially intriguing. Conference organizers are also open for
contributions that focus on the relations between core (North America,
Western and Northern Europe, Japan and East Asia) and emerging economies.

Another important objective of the conference is to create opportunities
for networking. The organizers would like to facilitate transfer of
knowledge and international research collaboration between people,
institutions and countries. We encourage contributions originating from a
variety of academic disciplines such as economic geography, regional
studies, economics, international business, strategic management and
planning. We would welcome sound empirical studies based on the established
theoretical background.

We invite contributions on the following topics:

§  Local, creative entrepreneurship in traditional industries

§  Innovative industries in neo-Marshallian industrial districts

§  Innovative businesses and their contribution to local and regional

§  Family businesses and their role in local and regional development

§  Cluster initiatives focused on local entrepreneurship

§  Evolutionary perspective on local and regional growth trajectories

§  Role of innovative and creative industries in path development/creation

§  Geographical, social and cultural embeddedness of TNCs

§  Clusters and networks of interconnected local and global companies

§  Dynamics of networks, clusters and firms

§  Phoenix industries

§  Influence of EU enlargement on local innovativeness and creativity

§  Role of social capital in enabling creativity of businesses

§  Local and global companies & public policy interactions

The selected papers will be considered for publication in a book.

Charge for attendance at the conference (incl. field trip cost, 3 lunches,
and conference dinner): 850 PLN (1 PLN – approx. 0.22 EUR; 1 PLN – approx.
0.3 USD).

Important deadlines:

   - Abstract submission: *15 February 2012* (abstracts of up to 500 words
   should be submitted to dr Grzegorz Micek at; abstract
   should include names of all the authors, affiliation and full contact
   - Notification about acceptance *28 February* *2012*
   - Fee payment: *31 March 2012*

The conference venue: Institute of Geography and Spatial Management,
Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 7, Kraków, Poland

More information about the conference will be forthcoming on the Commission
website -

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