+++ Apologies for Cross-Postings +++

Dear colleagues:

we would like to invite you to our International Conference
"Constructing Resilience", which will take place on January 17-18,
2013 in Berlin.

Under the impressions of uncontrollable natural disasters like
Hurricane Sandy, socio-technical misjudgements as unveiled in the
nuclear disaster in Fukushima or the controversial negotiations about
the sources and consequences of climate change, societal debates
increasingly have turned from valuing indeterminacy as an opportunity
to perceiving uncertainty as a threat. The world, it seems, lives in a
permanent state of emergency. Somewhere between resignation and the
belief to control risks, a "new language of preparedness" (Ash Amin)
is emerging, and vulnerability and resilience have become keywords in
this new language.

The aim of this conference is to stimulate cross-disciplinary dialogue
among leading experts representing sociology, political science,
geography, planning studies and regional economics about the notions,
conceptual scope and limitations of resilience. A particular emphasis
will be put on the socio-technical, political and discursive
construction work that underlies calculations of vulnerability and
strategies of enhancing resilience. The conference is co-organized by
the HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU)  and the Leibniz-Institute for
Regional Development and Structural Planning (IRS), and supported by
the German Research Foundation (DFG).


+ Guru Banavar, IBM New York: IBM's Smarter City Program

+ Ash Amin, Cambridge: Surviving the Turbulent Future

+ Susan Christopherson, Cornell: Learning and Adaptation as Key
Processes in Adaptation

+ Jon Coaffee, Birmingham: Spatial Planning and the Shock-Proof City

+ Bruce Goldstein, Boulder: Resilience through Collaborative Storytelling

+ David Stark, Columbia: Futures of Resilience Research

For further details about the program and for registration, please
visit our website:


We hope to see you at our conference!

Best wishes,

Gernot Grabher

on behalf of the co-organizers: Oliver Ibert, Gabriela Christmann and
Heiderose Kilper

| Gernot Grabher |
| Dean | MSc Urban Planning |
| Professor | Urban and Regional Economic Studies |
| HafenCity University Hamburg |
| University for the Built Environment and Metropolitan Development |
| Winterhuder Weg 31 | 22085 Hamburg | +49 40 42827 4561 |

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