Re: help on factor analysis/non-normality

2002-03-01 Thread Robert Ehrlich

to amplifiy a bit, the interpretability of regression tends to go down as
the assumptions of normality and homogeneous variance are markedly
different from reality.  You can still go through the calcualtions but the
interpretation of results gets tricky.  Factor analysis is a sort of
regression analysis and so suffers in the same way from break downs of

Rich Ulrich wrote:

 On 1 Mar 2002 04:51:42 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mobile Survey)

  What do i do if I need to run a factor analysis and have non-normal
  distribution for some of the items (indicators)? Does Principal
  component analysis require the normality assumption.

 There is no problem of non-normality, except that it *implies*
 that decomposition  *might*  not give simple structures.
 Complications are more likely when covariances are high.

 What did you read, that you are trying to respond to?

   Can I use GLS to
  extract the factors and get over the problem of non-normality. Please
  do give references if you are replying.


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2001-10-31 Thread Robert Ehrlich

Data mining , by and large, seems to use fairly conventional
multivatiate stats tools along with a bunch of clustering procedures.
In addtion there is a lot of use of neural nets (mostly as a lazy man's
tool or a last resort, but occasionally sensibly).  Data prep.
(including transformations) seem to be a necessity.  A good starter book
is Data Preparation for Data Mining by Dorian Pyle.  It is equivalent
to the first part of a low level intro stats book and is mainly
concerned with assessing the distributions, variance structure, etc.
before deciding to press ahead.  I have not so far seen a sensible book
on data mining itself.  Definitely none equivalent to the many fine
texts out there on ultivariate statistics.  Many of the DM books are
sales blurbs for one or another black-box package.  things should change
for the better in a couple of years.

SR Millis wrote:

 I'm looking for recommendations for recent books and papers on basic
 techniques for exploratory data analysis.

 SR Millis

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Re: Factor analysis - which package is best for Windows?

2001-09-20 Thread Robert Ehrlich

you may wish to consider NCSS (they have a web site)  provides essentially the same 
output as SAS but is run from  templates not SAS
language.  Less expensive, good documentation, excellant support. However does not 
provide an audit trail--a necessary feature for
some governmental / legal groups.

PeterOut wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Magill, Brett) wrote in message 
  Also check out R, a GNU implementation of the S language, most prominently
  known through its use in S-Plus.  R is a fully featured statisitical
  programming environment.  In its MVA (Multivariate) package, it includes
  routines for factor analysis using maximum liklihood estimation with varimax
  and promax rotations.

 I have installed R1.3.0 on  my Windows system and have noted that MVA
 is an add-on.  The FAQ tells how to obtain these add-ons but only for
 UNIX.  Is this add-on actually available for Windows?  If so, how do I
 obtain it?


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Re: Normality in Factor Analysis

2001-06-22 Thread Robert Ehrlich

Calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvalues requires no assumption.
However evaluation of the results IMHO implicitly assumes at least a
unimodal distribution and reasonably homogeneous variance for the same
reasons as ANOVA or regression.  So think of th consequencesof calculating
means and variances of a strongly bimodal distribution where no sample
ocurrs near the mean and all samples are tens of standard devatiations
from the mean.


 I have a question regarding factor analysis: Is normality an important
 precondition for using factor analysis?

 If no, are there any books that justify this.

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Re: errors in journal articles

2001-04-28 Thread Robert Ehrlich

The earlier responders make some good points but..I have seen plotted
regression lines when the rsquare was 0.005, scatterplots where two
populations were separated by a line that makes a southern gerrrymander
envious,  where clusters had fewer than 3 members, etc. etc.  The whole thing
would be funny but these journal articles are used to make policy, affect
legislation, etc. there is hell to pay if a chemist misreads a spectrum or a
geologist confuses east from west. My feelingis that most egregious stuff
should be recognized by a comment in the journal.  Sending in a comment to a
journal is also a good learning experience for the student in that she have to
be really sure it is a blooper and that the blooper makes a difference in the

Lise DeShea wrote:

 List Members:

 I teach statistics and experimental design at the University of Kentucky,
 and I give  journal articles to my students occasionally with instructions
 to identify what kind of research was conducted, what the independent and
 dependent variables were, etc.  For my advanced class, I ask them to
 identify anything that the researcher did incorrectly.

 As an example, there was an article in a recent issue of an APA journal
 where the researchers randomly assigned participants to one of six
 conditions in a 2x3 factorial design.  The N wouldn't allow equal cell
 sizes, and the reported df exceeded N.  Yet the article said the
 researchers ran a two-way fixed-effects ANOVA.

 One of my students wrote on her homework, It is especially hard to know
 when you are doing something wrong when journals allow bad examples of
 research to be published on a regular basis.

 I'd like to hear what other list members think about this problem and
 whether there are solutions that would not alienate journal editors.  (As a
 relative new assistant professor, I can't do that or I'll never get
 published, I'll be denied tenure, and I'll have to go out on the street
 corners with a sign that says, Will Analyze Data For Food.)

 Lise DeShea, Ph.D.
 Assistant Professor
 Educational and Counseling Psychology Department
 University of Kentucky
 245 Dickey Hall
 Lexington KY 40506
 Phone:  (859) 257-9884

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Re: compartments

2001-04-26 Thread Robert Ehrlich

Dennis: without going into chapter and verse,I think you are touching on sumpin
real.  The excitement these days tends to be at interfaces between disciplines
not at the centers of old disciplines.  Our academic departments were largely
defined in the 19th century--some have made the jump--astrophysics, biochemistry,
nonlinear economics, etc.  But by and large the students still labor in the
departmental centers not on the interfaces. There has to be some reason why wall
streetfirms are hiring topologists, that pure math has been mad by theoretical
phsicists, that bioengineering is hot stuff.

Give em hell man.

dennis roberts wrote:

 the difficulty in discussing new courses and other issues is that ...
 academe is a compartment system. most institutions have what is labelled as
 general education ... so that, it is assumed that it is GOOD for an
 undergraduate to have some from the science compartment, some from the
 quantitative compartment, some from the humanities compartment, so on and
 so forth. in many cases, this work is done before one declares the major.
 BUT, when we get to the major, we find more compartments ... in fact, more
 specific compartments ... in psychology for example, there is the
 personality compartment, motivation compartment, learning compartment, and
 so on

 then folks who are courageous might actually move to the graduate level
 and, guess what? MORE COMPARTMENTS AND MORE SPECIFICITY within each ... we
 have educational psychology and, there is the statistics compartment, the
 measurement compartment, cognitive learning compartment, and so on.

 this is how we have structured ourselves ... and this is how we act. and we
 cannot break out of  that mold.

 in the area of research, the ideal approach would be to start off a cohort
 group ... and, begin real simple. say ... we design a very VERY simple
 survey ... a few demographics ... do some piloting to see that it makes
 sense to takers ... then begin to talk about how we might work with the
 data once we get some ... we write up what we did, what we found, and
 limitations to what has transpired

 then, we move up a notch ... perhaps work on a scale of some sort ... like
 an attitude scale ... work on the notion of developing items to measure
 some underlying construct ... actually construct some items ... do some
 pilot work ... see what happens ... and introduce some notions of
 reliability ... what it is ... how it is assessed ... how we can improve it

 and perhaps bring in some notions of validation too ... how scores on this
 measure might relate to other variables of interest ... we offer up some
 hypotheses about what should be related to what ... and when see gather
 some data ... we again come back to how we might handle the data ...
 perhaps bringing in the notion of correlation ... simple regression 
 and the like

 and we write up the results ... say what we did ... how we handled the data
 ... what the problems were ... and try to summarize what we found

 then, we might turn to a simple experimental situation ... where we think
 of some useful independent variable to explore and manipulate ...  talk
 about how do design and implement such a study ... how we recruit and
 assign Ss to conditions ... collect data .. and then approach how we might
 handle data of this sort ... maybe anova gets some air time ... then we
 write up the results ... say what we did ... tell what problems we ran into
 ... and summarize what we found

 in the long run, over several semesters ... we build up a good basket of
 skills THROUGH EXPERIENCING the acts ... we learn by doing ... discussing
 ... summarizing ... and then moving up the ladder of complexity

 but, this approach ... is almost impossible to implement within standard
 university settings ... whether it be for general education ... for work in
 the major ... or for graduate study BECAUSE ... our instruction and methods
 have been SO COMPARTMENTALIZED ... and usually, faculty are only really
 competent to teach in one maybe two of these subdivisions ...

 the only practical way to do this would be for ONE entire department ...
 that has complete control over THEIR say 200 students ... could revamp what
 they do and what their students take ...

 but, this is a pipe dream ... and it is a super pipe dream if you happen to
 be a department that is expected to provide overall SERVICE COURSES ... for
 those outside of your OWN group of students

 so, back to the main issue ... trying to have a survey course ... in whatever

 such approaches cover the water ... FAST  with no depth ... and that
 seems to be the way programs want it nowadays ... especially when a student
 ventures outside of his or her COMPARTMENT ...

 so, do i think that a book or course can be designed in a way that will
 focus on READING AND INTERPRETING articles and research reports? well, sure
 ... but, if the students don't have the PREREQUISITE SKILLS in analysis,
 measurement, design, 

Re: John Tukey

2000-07-26 Thread Robert Ehrlich

a great spirit. An ornament to the Profession.  A person who made all of
our lives easier.  A person who wrote with the gusto and spirit of an
enthusiast.  A Hero.

Robin Becker wrote:

 In article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Petr Kuzmic
 Donald Macnaughton wrote:
  John Wilder Tukey died last night
 very sad news
 Robin Becker

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