Re: Maximum Likelihood Question

2001-12-23 Thread Jimc10

To all, 

Thanks so much for all your ideas and insights thus far. To those who have
suggested a Baysean approach, I am interested, but I am weeks away from
understanding it well enough to figure out if I can use it. Also, I think I am
close to developing a usable technique along my current line. The only
constrain on my parameters is that they remain positive. Occassionally one will
approach zero, not often. I am reposting because I have another focused
question stemming from the same problem.


I am studying a time-dependent stochastic Markov process. The conventional
method involved fitting data to exponential decay equations and using the
F-test to determine the number of components required. The problem (as I am
sure you all see) is that the F-test assumes the data is iid, and conflicting
results are often observed.   As a first step, I have been attempting to fit
similar (simulated) data directly to Markov models using the Q-matrix and
maximum likelihood methods. The likelihood function is:

L= (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))*exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E))

Where  | CV-Matrix |  is the determinant of the Covariance matrix, (O) is the
vector of observed values in time order and (E) is the vector of the values
predicted by the Markov model for the corresponding times. The Covariance
matrix is generated by the Markov model.

My two objectives are to determine the number of free parameters, and to
estimate the values of the parameters. Because the data is simulated I know
what the number of parameters and their values are. 


I have been using the Log(Likelihood) method to compare the results of fitting
to the correct model and to a simpler sub-hypothesis (H0). I am getting very
small Log(Likelihood ratio)?¡¥s  when I know the more complex model is correct
(i.e. H0 should be rejected). When I first observed this I tried increasing the
N values, and found a decrease rather than an
increase in the Log(Likelihood ratio).  When I look at the likelihood function,
the weighted Sum of Squares factor : (  (O-E).CV^-1.(O-E)  ) is very different
between the two hypotheses (i.e. favoring rejection of H0), but difference in
the determinant portion ( (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))  ) is in the opposite
direction. As a result, the Log(Likelihood ratio) is below that needed to
reject H0. 

I asked about just fitting  (O-E).CV^-1.(O-E) and was reminded that without the
determinant factor, the likelihood would be maximized by simply increasing the
variance. This appears to be true in practice. 

In learning about the quadratic form, I read in several places that, for the
distribution to approach a chi square distribution, the Covariance Matrix must
be idempotent (CV^2 = CV). I am almost certain this is not the case. 

I am hoping to get feedback on this idea:

THE QUESTION: Following maximization of the full likelihood function ( 
(1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))*exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E))  ) for both
models, can I use the F-test to compare the weighted Sum of Squares (i.e.
(O-E).CV^-1.(O-E)   )  of the two models, rather than the likelihood ratio
test. In other words, does correcting each (O-E) for its variance and
covariance legitimize the F-test?

Any insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks for your patience and consideration.

James Celentano

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Re: Maximum Likelihood Question

2001-12-20 Thread David Jones

Herman Rubin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
9vqoln$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:9vqoln$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...

 Maximum likelihood is ASYMPTOTICALLY optimal in LARGE
 samples.  It may not be good for small samples; it pays
 to look at how the actual likelihood function behaves.
 The fit is always going to improve with more parameters.

This may be the trouble in the actual problem being attempted, but
there are other possibilities, besides the potential for having
programmed things incorrectly. One such trouble might be that the
parameters are constrained and that the maximum-likelihood estimates
given such constraints are falling on the edge of the allowed region
.. then the usual asymptotics don't apply.

David Jones

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Re: Maximum Likelihood Question

2001-12-19 Thread Herman Rubin

Jimc10 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
To all who have helped me on the previous thread thank you very much. I am
reposting this beause the question has become more focused.

I am studying a stochastic Markov process and using a maximum likelihood
technique to fit observed data to theoretical models. As a first step I am
using a Monte Carlo technique to generate simulated data from a known model to
see if my fitting method is acurate. In particular I want to know if I can use
this techniques to dtermine the number of free parameters in the Markov Model.
I have been using the Log(Likelihood) method which seems to be widely acceted. 
I am  getting very small Log(Likelihood ratios) in cases when I know the more
complex model is correct (i.e. H0 should be rejected). When I first observed
this I tried increasing the N values, and found a decrease rather than an
increase in the Log(Likelihood ratio). I now  think I know why. I am posting in
hopes of finding out if my proposed solution is  1)statistical heracy, 2)so
obvious that I should have realized it 6 months ago, or 3)a plausible idea in
need of validation.

The likelihood fuction I have been using up to now which I will call the FULL
likelihood function is:

L= (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))*exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E))

Where  | CV-Matrix |  is the determinant of the Covariance matrix, (O) is the
vector of observed  values in time order and (E) is the vector of the values
predicted by the Markov model for the corresponding times. The Covariance
matrix is generated by the Markov model.

IN A NUTSHELL: It appears that the factor  (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |)) is the
source of the problem. In many MLE discriptions this is a constant and drops
out. In my case there is a big difference between the (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))
for different models (several log units). I believe this may be biasing the fit
in some way. 

MY PROPOSAL: I have begun fitting my data to the follwing simplified likelihood

L= exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E)).

Does this seem reasonable?

It is highly unlikely that it would give asymptotically
optimal estimators, although there are cases where this
does happen.  It can happen that it will be consistent
and have positive efficiency, for example if the parameter
effect on E is such that L would be O(n) for any wrong
parameter, and O(1) for the true parameter, all this in
probability, and the covariance matrix does not blow up
in too bad a manner.

If the major problem is with the fit of the covariance
matrix, it will not be good, and if E does not involve
some of the parameters, but the covariance matrix can
go to infinity on those, by doing that, L can go to 0,
which would maximize it as it is negative.  As you say
the covariance matrix varies considerably, I would 
suggest including it.

Maximum likelihood is ASYMPTOTICALLY optimal in LARGE
samples.  It may not be good for small samples; it pays
to look at how the actual likelihood function behaves.
The fit is always going to improve with more parameters.

I believe your best bet would be robust approximate
Bayesian analysis.  This is hard to describe in a 
newsgroup posting, and in any case requires some user

This address is for information only.  I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (765)494-6054   FAX: (765)494-0558

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Maximum Likelihood Question

2001-12-16 Thread Jimc10

To all who have helped me on the previous thread thank you very much. I am
reposting this beause the question has become more focused.

I am studying a stochastic Markov process and using a maximum likelihood
technique to fit observed data to theoretical models. As a first step I am
using a Monte Carlo technique to generate simulated data from a known model to
see if my fitting method is acurate. In particular I want to know if I can use
this techniques to dtermine the number of free parameters in the Markov Model.
I have been using the Log(Likelihood) method which seems to be widely acceted. 
I am  getting very small Log(Likelihood ratios) in cases when I know the more
complex model is correct (i.e. H0 should be rejected). When I first observed
this I tried increasing the N values, and found a decrease rather than an
increase in the Log(Likelihood ratio). I now  think I know why. I am posting in
hopes of finding out if my proposed solution is  1)statistical heracy, 2)so
obvious that I should have realized it 6 months ago, or 3)a plausible idea in
need of validation.

The likelihood fuction I have been using up to now which I will call the FULL
likelihood function is:

L= (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))*exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E))

Where  | CV-Matrix |  is the determinant of the Covariance matrix, (O) is the
vector of observed  values in time order and (E) is the vector of the values
predicted by the Markov model for the corresponding times. The Covariance
matrix is generated by the Markov model.

IN A NUTSHELL: It appears that the factor  (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |)) is the
source of the problem. In many MLE discriptions this is a constant and drops
out. In my case there is a big difference between the (1/Sqrt( | CV-Matrix |))
for different models (several log units). I believe this may be biasing the fit
in some way. 

MY PROPOSAL: I have begun fitting my data to the follwing simplified likelihood

L= exp((-1/2)*(O-E).(CV-Matrix^-1).(O-E)).

Does this seem reasonable?

Thanks for any insight

James Celentano

Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at