Re: 'Distance' between two normal distributions

2002-02-11 Thread robert . nemeth

Is there any optimality or other reason for the choice of the two below
There are surely many other possibilities (e.g. Mallow's distance), which,
might not be as appropriate, but at the moment I do not see any reasoning.

Could you please comment/advise on this?

Robert NĂ©meth

Hermman Rubin wrote:

>In article ,
>Francis Dermot Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>If I have two normal distributions N(m1, s1) and N(m2, s2), what is a
>>good measure of the distance between them? I was thinking of something
>>like a K-S distance like max|phi1-phi2|. I know it probably depende on
>>what I want it for, or what exactly I mean by distance, but any ideas
>>would be helpful.

>If you are testing simple against simple for large samples,
>you want the Cramer-Chernoff distance (see Chernoff), which
>is essentially -ln(min \int f(x)^t g(x)^(1-t) dx), where f
>and g are the two densities.  If you are doing a sequential
>test with small cost of obsrvation, the distance is given by
>the pair of Kullback-Leibler numbers.
>- --
>This address is for information only.  I do not claim that these views
>are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
>Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (765)494-6054   FAX: (765)494-0558

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Re: 'Distance' between two normal distributions

2002-02-07 Thread Herman Rubin

In article ,
Francis Dermot Sweeney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If I have two normal distributions N(m1, s1) and N(m2, s2), what is a 
>good measure of the distance between them? I was thinking of something
>like a K-S distance like max|phi1-phi2|. I know it probably depende on 
>what I want it for, or what exactly I mean by distance, but any ideas 
>would be helpful.

If you are testing simple against simple for large samples,
you want the Cramer-Chernoff distance (see Chernoff), which
is essentially -ln(min \int f(x)^t g(x)^(1-t) dx), where f
and g are the two densities.  If you are doing a sequential
test with small cost of obsrvation, the distance is given by
the pair of Kullback-Leibler numbers.  
This address is for information only.  I do not claim that these views
are those of the Statistics Department or of Purdue University.
Herman Rubin, Dept. of Statistics, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette IN47907-1399
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: (765)494-6054   FAX: (765)494-0558

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Re: 'Distance' between two normal distributions

2002-02-06 Thread Charles Metz

Francis Dermot Sweeney wrote:

 > If I have two normal distributions N(m1, s1) and N(m2, =

 > s2), what is a good measure of the distance between them? =

 > I was thinking of something like a K-S distance like =

 > max|phi1-phi2|. I know it probably depende on what I
 > want it for, or what exactly I mean by distance, but any =

 > ideas would be helpful.


This question arises in receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
analysis, where an effective ("latent") pair of univariate normal data
distributions often may be assumed to underlie an ROC curve.

Given two univariate normal probability densities with generally
different means (m1 and m2) and standard deviations (s1 and s2), the
common indices of separation are

  d=92_e =3D (m1 - m2)/((s1 + s2)/2)


  d_a =3D (m1 - m2)/SQRT((s1**2 + s2**2)/2),

whereas a less well-known measure is

  Sakitt's D =3D (m1 - m2)/SQRT(s1 * s2).

In the special case where s1 =3D s2 =3D s, all three of these indices red=

  d' =3D (m1 - m2)/s .

All three indices also apply rigorously to *non-normal*
decision-variable densities in ROC analysis if some (usually unknown)
monotonic transformation of the decision variable yields normal
densities.  This generalization is possible because ROC curves are
invariant under any monotonic transformation of the decison axis, so the
requirement for strict interpretability of the indices becomes one of
having an ROC curve that plots as a straight line on "normal deviate
axes" (e.g., see Metz CE.  ROC methodology in radiologic imaging. =

Investigative Radiology 1986; 21: 720).  In non-normal situations of
this kind, the indices are *not* defined in terms of means and standard
deviations, but instead in terms of the straight-line ROC curve on
normal-deviate axes.  If the "y intercept" and "slope" of such an ROC
are given by "a" and "b", respectively, then

  d=92_e =3D 2a/(1 + b)


  d_a =3D a*SQRT(2/(1 + b**2)) ,


 Sakitt's D =3D a/SQRT(b).

All of these indices approach =

  d' =3D a

in the special case where b =3D 1.  =

When an ROC curve plots as a straight line on normal-deviate axes, its
value of d_a happens to equals the normal deviate which corresponds to
the area under the ROC when that curve is plotted on *conventional*
(i.e., probability, rather than normal-deviate) axes.  The latter
interpretation of d_a is sometimes used for other ROC curve forms as
well, which isn't strictly "legal" but, from a practical standpoint, is
rarely misleading.

If you=92d like to do some additional reading, I would recommend that you=

begin with

   Simpson AJ, Fitter MJ.  What is the best index of detectability? =

Psych Bull 1973; 80:481-488.

And finally, I feel obliged to emphasize the importance of a point that
you raised yourself:  The validity of any summary index *does* depend --
sometimes strongly -- upon what it=92s used for.

Hoping this helps,

   Charles Metz

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Re: 'Distance' between two normal distributions

2002-02-06 Thread Dennis Roberts

seems, as you have said, depends what you want to do with it

if there is considerable overlap, then whatever distance you use will have 
some of both distributions included ... if there is essentially no overlap 
... then any pair of values ... one from each ...will reflect a real difference

of course, if there is a small difference in means but very large sds ... 
that is one thing wheres ... if there were the same small differences in 
means but, minuscule sds ... that would be another thing

the simple thing would be to use the mean difference but, that really does 
not reflect if there is any overlap between the two and, that seems to be 
part of the issue

At 07:28 PM 2/6/02 +, Francis Dermot Sweeney wrote:
>If I have two normal distributions N(m1, s1) and N(m2, s2), what is a
>good measure of the distance between them? I was thinking of something
>like a K-S distance like max|phi1-phi2|. I know it probably depende on
>what I want it for, or what exactly I mean by distance, but any ideas
>would be helpful.
>Francis Sweeney
>Dept. of Aero/Astro
>Stanford U.
>Instructions for joining and leaving this list, remarks about the
>problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES, and archives are available at

Dennis Roberts, 208 Cedar Bldg., University Park PA 16802

AC 8148632401

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