Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-11-02 Thread Lee Creighton

Hi Richard and all --

I want to make a clarification on this point.

JMP 3 was written for the Mac, then ported to windows.

JMP 4, on the other hand, is a complete re-write from the ground up of JMP.
It is written in C++ (rather than C, like JMP 3). It was considerable
trouble and expense to go through this process -- it took several years! We
did it so that the code would be NATIVE WINDOWS CODE on windows machines,
and native mac code on mac machines.

So, basically, JMP 4 is a windows program "inspired" by the interface of a
"Richard Osborne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
Px0L5.5574$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:Px0L5.5574$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> JMP version 4 is out now. Try
> this is a great program! It was actually written for the Mac
> and ported to Windows. They have a demo program available
> for downloading too.
> R.
> Lee Creighton wrote in message
> <8tc01k$4ve$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> >JMP version 3 would run on this system as well. Try sales
> at to
> >see if JMP 3.2.6 is still available.
> >"David J Firth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

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Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-29 Thread Richard Osborne

JMP version 4 is out now. Try
this is a great program! It was actually written for the Mac
and ported to Windows. They have a demo program available
for downloading too.


Lee Creighton wrote in message
<8tc01k$4ve$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>JMP version 3 would run on this system as well. Try sales
at to
>see if JMP 3.2.6 is still available.
>"David J Firth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

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Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-27 Thread A.J. Rossini

There is always XLispStat, and the graphical front-ends, ViSta and

Why pay more when there is perfectly adequate and exceptional software


A.J. RossiniRsrch. Asst. Prof. of Biostatistics
BlindGlobe Networks (home/default)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
UW Biostat/Center for AIDS Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

FHCRC: M/Tu: 206-667-7025 (fax=4812) | Voicemail is pretty sketchy
CFAR:   W/F: 206-731-3647 (fax=3694) | Email is far better than phone
UW:Th/F: 206-543-1044 (fax=3286) | Change last 4 digits of phone for fax

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Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-27 Thread dennis roberts

don't forget to look at all that is available online for doing analysis ...

check out specific routines or ... click on the jump to free software ... 
some works with macs

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RE: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-27 Thread Olsen, Chris

Lee and All --

  I just visited the site yesterday, and I think I remember
they showed older _student_ versions.  You might try there also.

  -- Chris

Chris Olsen
George Washington High School
2205 Forest Dr. S.E.
Cedar Rapids, IA 52403



> -Original Message-
> From: Lee Creighton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 8:30 AM
> Subject: Re: Stat pkg for old Mac
> JMP version 3 would run on this system as well. Try sales at 
> to
> see if JMP 3.2.6 is still available.
> "David J Firth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> 8tarcm$das$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:8tarcm$das$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> >
> > Following my policy of reuse and recycle, I'm using an old 
> Mac Powerbook
> > 160 under system 7.1. I have an MBA-level ststs and data 
> analysis class
> > coming up in January. Anyone aware of a nice program 
> that'll run on my old
> > portable?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > --
> > Dave Firth Mac Powerbook 160
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Think Different
> >
> =
> Instructions for joining and leaving this list and remarks about
> the problem of INAPPROPRIATE MESSAGES are available at
> =

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Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-27 Thread Lee Creighton

JMP version 3 would run on this system as well. Try sales at to
see if JMP 3.2.6 is still available.
"David J Firth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
8tarcm$das$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:8tarcm$das$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Following my policy of reuse and recycle, I'm using an old Mac Powerbook
> 160 under system 7.1. I have an MBA-level ststs and data analysis class
> coming up in January. Anyone aware of a nice program that'll run on my old
> portable?
> Thanks.
> --
> --
> Dave Firth Mac Powerbook 160
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Think Different

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Re: Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-26 Thread James R Jetton

Stata ( works quite well on older 68k systems. I have 
used it on my old Powerbook 145.

James Jetton

>Following my policy of reuse and recycle, I'm using an old Mac Powerbook
>160 under system 7.1. I have an MBA-level ststs and data analysis class
>coming up in January. Anyone aware of a nice program that'll run on my old

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Stat pkg for old Mac

2000-10-26 Thread David J Firth

Following my policy of reuse and recycle, I'm using an old Mac Powerbook
160 under system 7.1. I have an MBA-level ststs and data analysis class
coming up in January. Anyone aware of a nice program that'll run on my old


Dave Firth Mac Powerbook 160
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Think Different

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