My name is Adil Abubakar and i am a student.and seek help .  I have a
question if anyone can help, please respond to

Person A did  research on a total of 4500 people and got the follwoing
Q How many hours do you spend on the web
0-7             8-15                  15+
18%           48%                   34%
   Q. Do you read a privacy policy before signing on to a web site
   The answers were

   1= Strongly Agree 2= Agree 3= Neutral 4= disagree 5= strongly

   9%                  17%       20%    32%     22% respectively

Another person asked the the same questions from a 100 people and got
the same results in % terms?  Can it be shown via CI that the result is
consitent with the expectations created by the previous survey?
Also can it be argued that the subjects have been subjected to the
questions before.

can it be asserted with statiscal significance , that if the survey is
repeated on at least 100 people the result will in the same proximity of

the above survey??

 any help ya'll can provide will be appreciated  Just the need different


   Thanking you in anticipation

   Adil Abubakar

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