Re: [Edu-sig] The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms

2005-12-15 Thread Arthur
Scott David Daniels wrote:

I suspect the other way into this is Category Theory, an area I am
afraid I under-appreciate (though some say it is just because I don't
get it).

Read through this explanation of Category Theory.

While not being in a position to approach the concepts described in any 
serious way, I can - I think - at least appreciate that the ghost of 
Felix Klein hovers about.

The discussion I am having with myself here has to do with modernism and 
education. My concept of educational reform has much to do with the 
ghost of Felix Klein, as  perceiving a need to have even 
elementary levels of instruction better informed by the kinds of 
modernist abstractions with which categories like Category Theory grapple.

Whereas I don't think that, in general, technology has any (necessarily) 
important role to play in such reform - I do think that specific tools - 
Python certainly among them (with or without my efforts to contribute) 
can, and probably will.


Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms

2005-12-14 Thread Arthur
Scott David Daniels wrote:

Well, in fact both meanings of fixed point are used, seldom by the
same person.  I expect Knuth is in that small group that uses both
meanings regularly (since his basic training was all mathematics).
Look to the functional programming people for examination of the
whole idea of fixed points of functions (Bird  Wadler is a standard
F.P. text).

thanks for the clarification as to terminology.

re:  The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms

I guess what I am asking further is whether the statement is simply 
referencing the development of  algorithms for solving the mathematical 
question of the fixed points of a function, in the context of 
mathematical programming where that particular mathematical problem 
might happen to present itself- or is there some implication that the 
problem of  f(x) = x is one that  has more general implications  in 
algorithmics as  a distinct area of study.

.. or am I asking a question that is itself too round-about to have an 
answer of the kind of am looking for? ;)


Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms

2005-12-14 Thread Scott David Daniels
Arthur wrote:
 re:  The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms
 I guess what I am asking further is whether the statement is simply 
 referencing the development of  algorithms for solving the mathematical 
 question of the fixed points of a function, in the context of 
 mathematical programming where that particular mathematical problem 
 might happen to present itself- or is there some implication that the 
 problem of  f(x) = x is one that  has more general implications  in 
 algorithmics as  a distinct area of study.
I think the answer is yes (there are such implications), and that those
implications show up in the functional programming world (where they
like to think of everything as constants and pure functions).  The
places it shows up (if I understand correctly) have a lot to do with
compilation and binding functions into environments where the functions
themselves are a part of that environment.  But this is simply a
suspicion, I can't say that I've delved too deeply into this area.
I suspect the other way into this is Category Theory, an area I am
afraid I under-appreciate (though some say it is just because I don't
get it).

 .. or am I asking a question that is itself too round-about to have an 
 answer of the kind of am looking for? ;)

The above is as much as I can give you.  You may get more from abstract
algebra people.

--Scott David Daniels

Edu-sig mailing list

Re: [Edu-sig] The study of fixed points has been at the foundation of algorithms

2005-12-14 Thread Arthur
Grégoire Dooms wrote:

 Very deep in the foundations of algorithms are the foundations of 
 computer science semantics:

 An other area where I've been exposed ot fixed points is concurrent 
 constraint programming where constraint propagators are applied to a 
 computation space until a fixed point is reached (see for instance for a Open source implementation).

I see your familiarity with the gecode project and its concepts are more 
than casual ;):


Helps - in the sense of giving me some impression of the meaning of the 
behind the assertion, realizing that an impression is all I have the 
prerequisites to achieve.

 Grégoire Dooms

 PS: Where is the connection with education with/about Python ?

Maybe little. Though I have certainly been *more* irrelevant than this. 
As I suspect you are aware.

Obviously there will be more relevance once you do the Python bindings 
to CP(Graph) ;).

I do flirt with the idea of having nothing to say here - which will 
certainly avoid any possibility of my raising irrelevancies.

Is PyGeo relevant to education with/about Python? 

I am not quite ready yet, but after the next release I will be willing 
to argue that it is more than relevant - that it is significant. Knowing 
that I might have lost objectivity, but also knowing what I know.



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