Call for Registration

Workshop for Young Researchers
Mental States and their Epistemic Roles

Francophone Society for Analytic Philosophy (SoPhA)

May 31-June 2, 2022
University of Geneva

This is an in-person workshop. Attendance is free. However, we request that 
participants register in advance.
If you want to attend the workshop, please send an email with your name and 
affiliation to:<>
 by May 27th.


All the talks will take place in room B105 at Uni Bastions, which is close to 
the park of the same name.

Day 1: May 31st

08:45-09:00      Arrival

09:00-10:20      Keynote speaker: Susanna Schellenberg (Rutgers University)
                        “Perspectival Variance and Vision Science”
                        (50 min talk + 30 min for discussion)

10:20-10:35      Coffee Break

10:35-11:25      Valentina Martinis (Central European University-Vienna)
                        “Perceptual Justification and Objectual Attitudes”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

11:25-12:15      Anaïs Giannuzzo (Université de Genève)
                        “Fiction and Self-Knowledge”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

12:15-14:30      Lunch

14:30-15:20      Benoit Guilielmo (Universität Zürich)
                        “On the Future-Oriented Nature of Suspended Judgement”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

15:20-16:10      Anna Giustina (Université de Liège)
                        “The Epistemic Significance of Introspective 
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

16:10-16:25      Coffee Break

16:25-17:15      Sayid Bnefsi (UC-Irvine)
                        “Ignorance as Doxastic Risk”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

17:15-18:05      Oscar A. Piedrahita (UC-Irvine)
                        “Ignorance, Access, and Epistemic Responsibility”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

19:30-              Dinner

Day 2: June 1st

09:00-10:20      Keynote speaker: Jérôme Dokic (EHESS/Institut Jean Nicod)
                        “Epistemic Phenomenology and Normative Significance”
                        (50 min talk + 30 min for discussion)

10:20-10:35      Coffee Break

10:35-11:25      Mathilde Cappelli (Université de Genève)
                        “The Epistemic Value of Sexual Fantasy”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

11:25-12:15      Robin Timothée Bianchi (Université de Neuchâtel)
                        “Did My Desires Make Me Do It?”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

12:15-14:30      Lunch

14:30-15:20      Antoine Taillard (Université de Neuchâtel)
                        “A Challenge for Modal Rationalism”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

15:20-16:10      Céline Boisserie-Lacroix (Institut Jean Nicod)
                        “A Feeling-Based Account of Emotional Rationality”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

16:10-16:25      Coffee Break

16:25-17:15      Léna Mudry (Universität Zürich)
                        “Don’t Rush to Judgment. On Profiling, Relevant 
Alternatives and Moral Harms”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

17:20-18:40      Keynote speaker: Annalisa Coliva (UC-Irvine)
                        “Transparency Over-Extended” [online talk]
                        (50 min talk + 30 min for discussion)

19:30-              Dinner

Day 3: June 2nd

09:00-10:20      Philipp Blum & Fabrice Correia (editors of dialectica)
                        “How to Submit a Paper to a Professional Journal”
                        (50 min talk + 30 min for discussion)

10:20-10:35      Coffee Break

10:35-11:25      Juan F. Álvarez (Université Grenoble-Alpes/CPM)
                        “Is Relearning an Error? Relearning and the 
Confabulation Debate”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

11:25-12:15      Megan Entwistle (Harvard University)
                        “The Epistemological Challenge for Simulationism”
                        (30 min talk + 20 min for discussion)

12:15-14:30      Lunch

This workshop is sponsored by the University of Geneva, the Conférence 
Universitaire de Suisse Occidentale (CUSO), and the Société de Philosophie 
Analytique (SoPhA).

Kind regards,

Julien Deonna
Santiago Echeverri
Roberto Keller
Fabrice Teroni

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Santiago Echeverri

Investigador Asociado C

Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Circuito Maestro Mario de la Cueva s/n

Ciudad Universitaria

Del. Coyoacán, CDMX 04510

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


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