OK. Thank you.

Outside of the ekiga software, is there a way to report abusing person 
on the ekiga.net SIP database service ?
A kind of warning send to the SIP owner, ... I don't know. Problem is 
also to preserve freedom of the other honest persons.


Julien Puydt wrote:
> Laurent Jacques a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> I'm new to the list and I'm using ekiga from a while now. Great and 
>> handy program.
>> Here is my problem:
>> I kind of pervert person try to contact my wife by ekiga all the time 
>> when she is connected.
>> Do you know if it is possible to block his sip address (as for msn or 
>> jabber messaging) so that she has not to every time refuse the requested 
>> connection ?
>> This kind of feature is useful too for children or teenagers who would 
>> use ekiga in a protected way. Of course, some rule have to be respected 
>> by them too to avoid that, but blocking sip address could definitely be 
>> a part of the solution.
> We know since long, but haven't found the time to work on it :
> http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=389073
> I had presented a design to allow blacklisting some time ago, so even if 
> there's no code progress yet, ideas get mature.
> Snark
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Dr. Laurent JACQUES
Researcher, FRS-FNRS, Belgium

Communications and Remote Sensing Laboratory
Université catholique de Louvain
Batiment Stévin
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1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

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