[Ekiga-list] file and format of address book

2008-11-26 Thread peasthope

Ekiga 2.0.12 is running in Debian Lenny here.

Can an address book be imported from and exported 
to a text file?  The menus do not contain import/
export and I've not found the topic in the 

Where is the address book file and what is the 
format or language?

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/  = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re^2: file and format of address book

2008-11-27 Thread peasthope
Eugen & others,

> Start gconf-editor (which looks into ~/.gconf), ...

gconf-editor installed under xfce4 and 
appears to work.

> ... choose apps/ekiga/contacts.

Interesting.  According to gconf-editor 
contacts appears as a directory but ls 
doesn't mention it.

> You can copy/paste from the old to the new.

Under "Local Contacts" in the address-book 
window in Ekiga, I can create a new address 
book named test for example.  But then 
gconf-editor still shows only one line 
beginning "remote_addressbooks_list".  Neither 
of the address books under "Local Contacts" is 

Why are Local and Remote contacts distinguished?
Is the distinction only for user understanding?
Is there a technical distinction for the software?

Thanks,     ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/  = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] failure in registration of sip account

2008-12-14 Thread peasthope

This is Ekiga 2.0.12 in Debian Linuz.

More often than not, my ekiga.net sip account 
fails to register automatically when the client 
initializes.  There is never a problem 
registering manually in the Edit:Accounts window.
Can anyone offer a solution?

Thanks, ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/  = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Usage of Ekiga 3. Was "failure in registration of sip account".

2008-12-21 Thread peasthope

Eugen Dedu wrote,
ed> "You should replace deb-src by deb."

Done; thanks.

Damien Sandras wrote,
ds> "Rebooted ?"

Just in  case some /tmp/* files would cause confusion.

ds> "... apt-get update ?"

Oops!  Thanks.  Normally I use dselect.

OK; now Ekiga 3.0.1 is present and working, 
... and there are many new questions.

(1) Ekiga 2 used two accounts: "ekiga.net 
SIP Service" and "Ekiga PC-To-Phone".
Now "Ekiga Call Out" is also present and appears 
to duplicate PC-To-Phone.  Can one of these be 
removed without harm?

(2) The Contacts within Ekiga and the Address Book 
have similar functions.  Is the Address Book being 
phased out?

(3) The sip addresses and phone numbers are gone 
from the Address Book.  Only the names remain.
Can the addresses and numbers be recovered?

Enough for now.  Thanks for all the work and 
discussion,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re^3: Usage of Ekiga 3. Was "failure in registration of sip account".

2008-12-22 Thread peasthope
Damien & others,

As you suggested, account registration is more reliable 
in this release; no failures in three startups.  Good!

At Monday, December 22, 2008 0:43 Damien Sandras wrote,
ds> You can add contacts from the addressbook into the roster.

pe > (3) The sip addresses and phone numbers are gone
pe > from the Address Book.  Only the names remain.
pe > Can the addresses and numbers be recovered?

ds> If you right click, they should be available.

Only the first entry has addresses.  The other entries 
are names only.

I tried to insert the first entry into the contact 
roster.  All the Ekiga windows became frozen.
This photo is poor but gives the impression.
The foremost window is entitled "Add to local roster".
The Ekiga process was killed to recover a healthy GUI.

The echo test to sip:5...@ekiga.net works.
Otherwise none of the few attempted calls succeeded.

Perhaps some of these problems occur from using 
Xfce4 rather than Gnome.

Thanks the extensive work, ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re^3: Usage of Ekiga 3. Was "failure in registration of sip account".

2008-12-23 Thread peasthope

ds> Perhaps you should provide a -d4 output.

Right oh.

As luck has it, opening x-terminal-emulator on this system 
kills X.  For terminal access I use telnet or ssh via the LAN.

According to my understanding, Ekiga must be told the 
identity of the X display which is the machine console.  
The command will be similar to this.

ekiga -d 4 -display ?? -c sip:12506291...@sip.diamondcard.us

/etc/X11/xorg.conf has these sections, 
Section "Device"
Section "Monitor"
Section "Screen"
but no
Section "Display" .

How is the X display identified?

Sorry; I've never needed this till now.

I might be off line for a few days but will 
collect the debug output a soon as possible.

Regards,     ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Audio-Problems

2008-12-31 Thread peasthope
"Palo S." wrote,
> It looks like Skype is blocking Ekiga, ...

In Debian Lenny on both a generic machine and 
an IBM NetVista, Ekiga and Skype tolerate each 
other.  They can not use the sound hardware 
simultanously of course but there should never 
be a reason to.

What system is the conflict observed in?  
Does a conflict exist immediately after startup? 
Does a conflict only occur after a Skype conversation?

Regards,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] More observations about Ekiga 3.

2009-01-05 Thread peasthope

Palo, thanks for the information about sound devices.
When there is time on a weekend I'll try to decipher 
the code and implement the ideas in my system.

As recommended, Ekiga 3.0.1 is under trial in Debian 
Lenny here.  A few observations in case they help.

When Ekiga is started from the Desktop Menu, the tiny 
clock remains attached to the mouse pointer until 
the green Ekiga icon in the task bar is clicked.  
My interpretation is that Ekiga is not completing 
a startup process properly.

A call to sip:5...@ekiga.net works, although the 
amplitude of the echo is very small.

If a call to a PSTN number through the Diamond 
service is attempted, the echo test repeats.
The selected contact is ignored.

Do most users have Gnome?  I wonder whether this 
Xfce environment is the source of some problems?

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): More observations about Ekiga 3.

2009-01-05 Thread peasthope
Damien & others,

> A bit weird. you are probably not doing the right thing.

Agreed & agreed.

Let's forget the test calls for now.  The clock is on the 
mouse pointer for about 45 seconds.  How long does 
registration of an ekiga account and a Diamond 
account normally require?  If one of these services 
happens to be down, Ekiga waits to a timeout?

Incidentally, Ekiga 2 displayed the number of accounts 
successfully registered.  I don't see this number on 
Ekiga 3.

Regards,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): More observations about Ekiga 3.

2009-01-07 Thread peasthope

pe>> A call to sip:5...@ekiga.net works, ...
>> If a call to a PSTN number through the Diamond 
>> service is attempted, the echo test repeats.
>> The selected contact is ignored.

ds> A bit weird. you are probably not doing the right thing.

Just verified these phenomena again this morning.

In any case, troubleshooting a mixed system---Ekiga 3 
from Sid in Lenny system---seems a bad idea.  Better 
I stick with Ekiga 2 or up the whole system to Sid.

And beyond that I need to fix the terminal emulator 
before worrying about VoIP.

Regards,  ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): More observations about Ekiga 3.

2009-01-07 Thread peasthope
Eugen & Damien,

> Could you send us the gzipped output of
> ekiga -d 4 2>output
> ?

pe...@dalton:~$ ekiga -d 4 2>output
cannot open display:
Run 'ekiga --help' to see a full list of available command line options.

The display must be identified properly. 
I've checked ekiga.man and do not see 
how it wants the display identified.  

Regards,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): More observations about Ekiga 3.

2009-01-14 Thread peasthope
Eugen & Damien,

Wed, 07 Jan 2009 18:28:08 +0100 E.D. wrote,
Could you send us the gzipped output of
ekiga -d 4 2>output

Plain text at http://carnot.yi.org/EkigaOutput

I first clicked on the green handset to make a call 
to 12506293...@sip.diamondcard.us .  The green 
icon failed to change.  I then double clicked 
the contact.  That darkened the green icon and 
made the hangup icon red.  There was no ring so 
I terminated the call with a click on the red icon 
and exited with Chat:Quit.

If a more specific test is needed, let me know.

Regards,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] plugins for video

2009-01-21 Thread peasthope

Yesterday Coriander in Debian Lenny succeeded 
in showing an image from a Unibrain Fire-i camera.
Yet Ekiga 3.0.1 fails to detect a video device.

remarks "Install them [plugins] accordingly to 
your needs."  Well libpt-1.10.10 is installed 
and aptitude installed libpt2.4.2 automatically.

Can anyone offer more specific advice about 
requirements to support video in this environment?

Thanks,  ... Peter E.

P.S. I posted a message with a link to debug output 
concerning other problems with 3.0.1 about a week ago.  
If that failed to reach the list and it still has 
any value, please let me know.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] debug output

2009-01-22 Thread peasthope

The debug output from my attempt to use 3.0.1 to 
call 250 629 3xxx is visible here as plain text.


Double clicking on Echo Test in the contact list
was successful.  Clicking on the green handset 
icon failed.

I ran this test a few weeks ago and have forgotten 
some of the details.  Can try again if need be.

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] debug output

2009-01-23 Thread peasthope
Yesterday again I issued to this list, the 
short message containing a link to my debug 
output.  My MUA copied the message back 
to me as usual.  Still, the message has 
not appeared on ekiga-list.  Messages to 
other destinations have been successful.  

Was my message to ekiga-list blocked deliberately?  
Are other messages failing?

Thanks, ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): debug output

2009-01-23 Thread peasthope

> This one you mean?

That's it!

>> Was my message to ekiga-list blocked deliberately?  

Speculation: yes; this list refrains from 
echoing to the sender.  I should have thought 
of that sooner.

Thanks,... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] audio message

2009-03-18 Thread peasthope

A logical way to send an audio message 
is to create a sound file and send it, 
mime encoded, by email.  Hopefully, the 
receiving MUA can pass the sound data 
to a suitable interpreter with minimal 
intervention by the recipient.

Can Ekiga be used to encode and decode 
the sound?  Can anyone cite or provide 
specific instructions to send an audio 

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] (no subject)

2009-03-19 Thread peasthope
Subject: audio message


A logical way to send an audio message 
is to create a sound file and send it, 
mime encoded, by email.  Hopefully, the 
receiving MUA can pass the sound data 
to a suitable interpreter with minimal 
intervention by the recipient.

Can Ekiga be used to encode and decode 
the sound?  Can anyone cite or provide 
specific instructions to send an audio 

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] (no subject)

2009-03-19 Thread peasthope
Subject: audio message


Sorry for the previous copy with the subject 
not specified properly.

A logical way to send an audio message 
is to create a sound file and send it, 
mime encoded, by email.  Hopefully, the 
receiving MUA can pass the sound data 
to a suitable interpreter with minimal 
intervention by the recipient.

Can Ekiga be used to encode and decode 
the sound?  Can anyone cite or provide 
specific instructions to send an audio 

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): (no subject)

2009-03-20 Thread peasthope
Apologies for the subjectless messages.

Damien wrote,
> I don't understand what you are trying to do with Ekiga ?

The objective is to send an audio message as Sergei describes.

Sergei wrote,
> And why do you need Ekiga or any VOIP application for that matter ?

Merely because it is installed and working.

> Use any command line or GUI encoder, ...

Such as ...?  I've never used an encoder except 
implicitly in Ekiga.  So I wonder whether Ekiga 
can do it.

> ... attach the encoded sound file to
> your Email while it's being composed using your favorite MUA (Mail User
> Agent I guess ?).

Precisely what I had in mind.

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] audio message; was Re (2): (no subject)

2009-03-20 Thread peasthope
David wrote,
> An audio message is different from an audio conversation ...

Yes; although Skype handles both.  

A Linux system is more modular than a commercial 
system and I want to find an efficient means to 
send an audio message using facilities in Debian 

> Audacity comes to mind.

OK, thanks.  Will try it.

Regards,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): connectivity in SIP protocol.

2009-03-23 Thread peasthope
Michel Memeteau wrote,
" ... features like answering machine ..."

How can a voice message be left with Ekiga?

" ... carnot.yi.org ( What is it ? )"

Sparcstation 2.

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): connectivity in SIP protocol.

2009-03-23 Thread peasthope
Michel Memeteau wrote,
" ... features like answering machine ..."

How can a voice message be left with Ekiga?

" ... carnot.yi.org ( What is it ? )"

Sparcstation 2.

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Peer to peer VoIP.

2009-03-25 Thread peasthope
Michel Memeteau wrote,
"... SIP server ..."

OK.  Given that SIP is based upon a server-client 
model, is there another way to use Ekiga for a 
direct peer-peer VoIP connection?

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Addressbook

2009-04-13 Thread peasthope
Eugen wrote,
"I do not know of any manual method to copy 
the previous address book ..."

Import from and export to text would have 
several uses including this one.

Regards,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Ekiga version in Debian

2009-04-21 Thread peasthope
Just for sake of interest, Debian Squeeze, 
alias testing, has Ekiga 2.0.12.  I know 
that 3 can be imposed but am content to 
wait until it appears routinely.

Regards,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Sound devices; was Audio-Problems

2009-04-23 Thread peasthope
At 03 Jan 2009 18:49:36 +0100 (CET) Palo Sprva wrote,
"You can specify the order of sound drivers loading
in your modprobe file. ... These are the lines I use ...
alias snd-card-0 snd-emu10k1

In principle, the order of device loading shouldn't 
be significant.  Nevertheless, the analogous script 
is installed here and the sound devices work reliably, 
... so far at least.  Thanks!

Inescapable Observation 
udev and hal were designed to make installation 
and removal of peripherals efficient.  A naive 
user, for example, should be able to plug a device 
into a working system and have it operational 
with minimal attention to software.  Yet the modprobe 
script and other strategies aim to circumvent the 
automation of udev!  Circumventing of automation 
can be more obscure than setting an IRQ in an old 
ISA system.  Hopefully the design of udev included 
a concept of efficient & reliable device 

Regards, ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Security check failed

2009-04-27 Thread peasthope

An attempt to reach a number in Pacifica 
via sip.diamondcard.us fails with the 
message "Security check failed" or 
"Security Check Failed".

Can anyone tell me what this means?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Security check failed

2009-04-28 Thread peasthope

"Could you attach the -d 4 output?"

Can try to duplicate the problem when home again.

No problem reaching the same number from the 
system here at work.

Thanks,... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] sip phone, Panasonic Model KX-TGA641C

2009-06-14 Thread peasthope
Folk, my mother bought a Panasonic Model KX-TGA641C 
cordless phone. The front bezel is marked "SIP PHONE" 
but there is no mention of sip in the instruction booklet.

How can the sip capability be exploited?  
Is Ekiga involved?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.2.1 works in Debian Squeeze ...

2009-06-14 Thread peasthope
... partially at least since two or three days ago.  
My system at work received incoming calls but could 
not initiate a call to a telephone via the Diamoncard 

Perhaps more significantly, Ekiga remains unable to 
detect the Unibrain 1394 camera while Coriander 
has no trouble with it.

These problems could be Debian specific.  I'm content 
to wait. Nevertheless, constructive remarks are appreciated.

Thanks, ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] sip phone, Panasonic Model KX-TGA641C

2009-06-14 Thread peasthope
Folk, my mother bought a Panasonic Model KX-TGA641C 
cordless phone. The front bezel is marked "SIP PHONE" 
but there is no mention of sip in the instruction booklet.

How can the sip capability be exploited?  
Is Ekiga involved?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.2.1 works in Debian Squeeze ...

2009-06-14 Thread peasthope
... partially at least since two or three days ago.  
My system at work received incoming calls but could 
not initiate a call to a telephone via the Diamoncard 

Perhaps more significantly, Ekiga remains unable to 
detect the Unibrain 1394 camera while Coriander 
has no trouble with it.

These problems could be Debian specific.  I'm content 
to wait. Nevertheless, constructive remarks are appreciated.

Thanks, ... Peter E.

http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Ekiga 3.2.1 works in Debian Squeeze ...

2009-06-14 Thread peasthope

> So it worked until 2-3 days ago and suddenly worked only partially?

Sorry; my explanation was inadequate.

Debian Squeeze, testing, had Ekiga 2.x 
until 2009-06-04 approximately.  Updating 
at that time gave Ekiga 3.2.1.

At startup of 3.2.1 the Unibrain IEEE 
1394 camera is not recognized.

3.2.1 receives a call from the Diamondcard 
telephone gateway.

When 3.2.1 is asked to connect an outbound 
call through the gateway, it tries; 
within a few milliseconds reports "Call completed" 
with no connection.

> Send -d 4 output...

This is from the startup.  No attempt to 
make a call yet.  


Incidentally, there was a problem with my 
messages reaching the list.  The multiple 
copies were meant to test something.

Regards,   ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] understanding debug output

2009-06-15 Thread peasthope
A few days ago I mentioned debug output.

My understanding of the output is minimal 
but an obvious feature is that tun0 and eth1 
are mentioned near the beginning of the log 
whereas the default eth0 is not mentioned 
until much later.  What concern does Ekiga 
have with tun0 and eth4 when the default 
route is eth0?

Regards,   ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): Ekiga 3.2.1 works in Debian Squeeze ...

2009-06-17 Thread peasthope

> Please resend the whole output, and gzip it before.  I can see only the 
> last part of the output.

Sorry.  This is from starting Ekiga, attempting 
a call to a telephone _via_ the DiamondCard gateway 
and quiting Ekiga.


 ... Peter E.
http://carnot.yi.org/ = http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/
ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-08-29 Thread peasthope

Ekiga 3.2.5 in Debian Squeeze has succeeded with 
one call to a Gizmo client in a Windows XP system.
Progress; thanks!

Does anyone use the Diamond gateway service in 
North America?  When attempting to reach a 
telephone, Ekiga fails after a very brief attempt.  
The message in the status line was "call completed" 
as I recall; sorry to be indefinite but the machine 
is on another island.

I might have the wrong syntax.  This is one of 
my contacts.
604 is the area code.  Can anyone tell me whether 
that should work?  I ask because Skype requires 
"+1604..." and "604..." could also be plausible.

Thanks,  ... Peter E.


Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-08-29 Thread peasthope
darkfena313 wrote,
> try this : @eugw.ast.diamondcard.us  

OK but Diamond support insists that the example 
on their Web page is correct.

Stu wrote,
> I use diamondcard in the US and other places.  the escape sequence is
> 001xx.  I had an diamondcard for a couple of years.

I guess you are outside N.A. and 001 is the 
required country code.  I should have explained 
that I am in British Columbia and aiming for 
numbers within the province.

I'll review this on Monday when at work 
again.  Thanks to everyone for the help.

 ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-08-31 Thread peasthope

Registration of my account is reported for both 
sip.diamondcard.us and for eugw.ast.diamondcard.us. 
I guess that eugw.ast.diamondcard.us is an older 
domain name.  The Diamond instructions specify 
sip.diamondcard.us.  Well, in both cases I appear 
to get access to the Diamond gateway.  So far, 
so good!

Incidentally, in the Ekiga account configuration 
window, what is the distinction between "User" and 
"Authentication User"?  I have them both set 
to the 6 digit Diamond account number beginning 
with "4"; not to my user name, peasthope.
To test, I dial 
  sip:4...@sip.diamondcard.us and 
according to the extant registration.  
  sip:12506293...@sip.diamondcard.us and 
  sip:12506293...@eugw.ast.diamondcard.us .

In all cases, no connection is ever really established. 
"Call completed" status appears within a few milliseconds.

Also, the Linux-Ekiga to Windows-Gizmo connection 
reported previously is a rare case.  Today I heard 
Gizmo ringing my Ekiga but could not hear the caller 
after accepting the call.

Certainly all hardware is OK; Skype works.  

I use Lxde whereas the debian Web page suggests that 
some maintainers use Gnome.  Could that be my problem?

Thanks for any further ideas, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-09-01 Thread peasthope
Damien S. at Tue, 01 Sep 2009 12:51:01 +0300,
"are you using the newest ekiga?"

According to "About" and also according to 
Debian aptitude, 3.2.5.

Damien S. at Tue, 01 Sep 2009 08:53:43 +0200
"Please post a -d 4 output with one only account active, and a call

Please open http://carnot.yi.org/EkigaDebug2009.09.01 .

A call to the Ekiga echo test was good.

Then a call to the Diamond echo test, sip:4...@sip.diamondcard.us, 
failed with the erroneous "Call completed" and no genuine call.

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-09-01 Thread peasthope
Damien Sandras at Tue, 01 Sep 2009,
"Please post a -d 4 output with one only account active, 
and a call attempt."

On second reading I realized that you probably meant to 
deregister the ekiga.net account when trying diamondcard.us.

Did that just now but still ekiga jumps immediately to 
"Call completed" with no genuine call.  I'll refrain from 
another debug trace until after reading your comments.

Regards,  ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Peer to peer VoIP.

2009-09-01 Thread peasthope
At Wed, 25 Mar 2009 17:25:32 +0200, Ian wrote 
"Actually, SIP is peer-to-peer protocol. If you know that a person you
want to call is running Ekiga (or any other SIP client) on a machine
that has a particular IP, you can make a call to sip: ...

Now what's the advantage of calling sip:u...@example.com ..."

Well, if the server is down, a peer to peer call would be 
better than none.  If the server is running but overloaded 
a peer to peer call might help to understand the problem.  
A recent discussion concerned this possibility.  

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Need Help: Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX

2009-09-02 Thread peasthope

> I've not before used a video camera on my system ...

Can you try Coriander or another camera package easily?

   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Re (2): Re (2): Reaching a north american telephone number via Diamond

2009-09-02 Thread peasthope

> I'm not sure what you're attempting but 911,311&411 are hands off ...

sip:4...@sip.diamondcard.us is a Diamond echo test.
411 was just a typographical error in the message.
Ref. http://wiki.diamondcard.us/EkigaPhone

"441" invites error but I guess Diamond had a reason 
to choose it.

> ... try a real number.

The 1250.. number was & is real.  I just restarted Ekiga, 
checked that the Diamondcard gateway was registered 
and that ekiga.net wasn't and tried it again.  Certainly 
Ekiga jumps immediately to "Call completed".

One additional observation: since about a week ago, X 
crashes within a few seconds of starting in this system.

Nobody else has mentioned trying Ekiga in Debian Squeeze 
with Lxde.  According to Occam's Razor, a problem related 
to Squeeze or Lxde would be a good bet.

Regards,  ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Need Help: Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX

2009-09-02 Thread peasthope

> CamStream is _supposed_ to
> work, but it's not working here.
> ...
> The camera light does not come on.

Seems best to solve the problem for CamStream 
before tackling Ekiga. 

 ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Need Help: Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Communicate STX

2009-09-03 Thread peasthope
Hi Rich,

> ... the camera is recognized by both CamStream ...

My first thought is a snag in the driver.  It works 
to detect the camera at least but not to the point 
of acquiring an image.  You really need to get an 
image with a camera software before tackling Ekiga.

> ... Logitech linux team's Web site.

Is the forum any help?

A brutal solution is to sell or give the camera to 
someone with an MS-Win system and buy a UVC or 
IEEE1394 camera.

Cameras are a pain!

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Logitech cameras

2009-09-03 Thread peasthope
In case anyone is thinking of buying a Logitech 
camera, this list should be consulted.


According to the date at the bottom, it is only 
a few days old.  I wonder how many thousands or 
millions of hours Linux users have wasted puzzling 
over unsupported cameras.  =8-|

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Logitech cameras

2009-09-04 Thread peasthope

> But, as no-on has apparently acknowledged, or responded to, my previous
> posting, perhaps no-one is interested in the information.

My previous message ignored your report.  Sorry.

Any information users can publish about hardware 
specific configurations and troubleshooting is 
good.  Sooner or later others are likely to benefit.  
If you can add to list of supported devices or a 
troubleshooting page, so much the better.

Another page which turned up.

Regards,  ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 3.2.5 with GnuGk gatekeeper

2009-09-17 Thread peasthope
Hello Andreas,

> Ekiga 3.2.5 ... seems to connect to the gatekeeper
> but all calls are being dropped immediately.

The same happens in Debian Squeeze here.
I guess that the maintainers are working 
to fix this as soon as possible.

Regards,... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] ekiga.net

2009-10-13 Thread peasthope
Speaking of ekiga.net, can a donation be submitted 
_via_ Paypal?  I have money in an account and 
prefer to use that rather than a credit card.

Also, I wonder whether https://www.ekiga.net might 
have a graphical indicator of donation progress 
vs. target.  A thermometer is often used in 
fundraising, for example.

Thanks, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): donations ; was ekiga.net

2009-10-14 Thread peasthope

Date:   Wed, 14 Oct 2009 19:44:38 +0200
> Yes Paypal works (see the button).


google "site:ekiga.net paypal" yields just a remark in a forum.
  Free your Speech A> Welcome to the video world of GnomeMeeting!
  To the happy gnomemeeting users around here: please consider 
  supporting the gnomemeeting developpement by donating a few 
  bucks (click on the paypal logo ...
  blog.ekiga.net/?p=18 - Cached - Similar

google "site:ekiga.org paypal" yields,
  Your search - site:ekiga.org paypal - did not match any documents. 
Can there be a PayPal button beside MasterCard, Visa 
and AmEx on http://www.ekiga.org/?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Error while opening audio input device Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Pro 9000

2009-10-15 Thread peasthope

> Skype is right now using for Microphone: QuickCam Pro 9000, USB Audio
> (hw:0,0), for speakers is using HDA intel, STAC92xx Analog Default Audio
> Device (default:CARD=3DIntel)

Which OS and which Skype release is that Joze?
I've never heard of Skype video working in any Linux.

Thanks, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] STUN server; was Re: ekiga.net STUN server down

2009-10-23 Thread peasthope
Date:   Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:50:50 -0400
Andre Robatino  wrote,
> The STUN server stun.ekiga.net (alias for stun01.sipphone.com which is
> Gizmo5's STUN server) has been down for a while.  Should Ekiga have its
> own STUN server?

Given my cursory understandings of a Dynamic DNS 
Server and a STUN server, the two appear similar.  
Can anyone cite a document which explains the 
  Thanks, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] libopal and codecs

2009-11-16 Thread peasthope
Documentation refers to libopal3.6.6 whereas 
Debian Squeeze has libopal3.6.4.  Is this lethal?

/usr/share/doc/ekiga/RE* mentions that the iLBC 
has been stripped for Debian.  Should any of the 
remaining codecs be disabled to have Ekiga work 
in Squeeze?

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): libopal and codecs

2009-11-16 Thread peasthope
> No.  ekiga in squeeze is the same as ekiga upstream, except iLBC is
> removed together with the non-free video codecs.

Consequently, I am curious: apparently 3.2.5 
works in most environments whereas here the 
Ekiga test connection dies immediately after 

The problem must be at a lower level than Ekiga.
I'll have to try some network troubleshooting.

Thanks,   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Current behaviour of Ekiga in Debian Squeeze.

2009-11-24 Thread peasthope
Sorry to nag about problems in Debian but this 
new regression might be worth recording.

Current Debian Squeeze, updated today 2009-11-24, 
with Ekiga 3.2.5-1.  When Ekiga is started in 
the LXDE environment it survives only a second 
or so.  No remaining process is detected.

pe...@pc:~$ ps aux | grep ekiga
peter 2996  0.0  0.2   3108   748 pts/0S+   14:14   0:00 grep ekiga

Regards,   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga on Debian Lenny

2009-11-25 Thread peasthope
Date:   Wed, 25 Nov 2009 10:01:48 +0100, Amtonio wrote,
> I installed Ekiga 2.0.12 on debian Lenny. ...
> Everything seems to works fine but ...

Good.  I can accept that the current behaviour in 
Squeeze is temporary.

   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Ekiga on Debian Lenny

2009-11-25 Thread peasthope
Antonio and others,

For interest of anyone who does not use Debian: 
Lenny is currently the stable release; Squeeze 
is the testing release.

> ... what do you mean saying that the current behaviour in Squeeze is 
> temporary?

Yesterday I reported that in Squeeze, Ekiga dies 
approximately a second after it is started.  Hopefully 
this behaviour is temporary.  Meaning that I hope 
that when Squeeze is issued as a stable release, 
that Ekiga works.

> ... I am not able to understand your comment.

I merely intended to emphasize and compare the 
current behavours of Ekiga in Debian stable and 
in Debian testing.  Nothing deeper.

Regards,... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] Ekiga 2.0.12 on Debian Lenny, Good news

2009-11-26 Thread peasthope

> Ekiga 2.0.12 on Debian Lenny, Good news
> This morning I placed succesful calls to both 5...@ekiga.net and 
> 5...@ekiga.net.
> Ekiga reported using codecs PCMA and H261.

Thanks for the report.

Have you updated the system or changed it otherwise 
since the failure a day or two ago?

   ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Maybe was asked lot of time... what is the best platform for ekiga?

2009-12-03 Thread peasthope

Date:   Thu, 03 Dec 2009 17:09:59 +0100, Antonio P. wrote,
> The problem that I am facing is that, when I try to 
> convince a potential corresondent to use SIP, I get 
> the answer: Why should I bother with these programs 
> that do not work when I have Skype that works flawlessly?

A realistic appraisal, and it can be generalized: 
Why should I bother with another software which does 
not work when I have Win*, or something running in it, 
that works flawlessly?

> I think that the immediate goal should be to have a 
> rock solid version of Ekiga that is stable on all 
> the platforms and can assure interoperability between 
> these platforms.

Absolutely sensible!

Best regards,... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Re (2): Maybe was asked lot of time... what is the best platform for ekiga?

2009-12-04 Thread peasthope

> Apparently, it does not respect any configuration method other than 
> gconf-editor.

Configuration _via_ plain text is easily understood and 
allows automated processing.  Twinkle, for example, 
has ~/.twinkle/peter.ab containing lines such as this.

The file is easily manipulated with an editor, a regular 
expression tool or something more sophisticated.  It 
is a well established and powerful means of configuration.  

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list

[Ekiga-list] Configuration. Was "Maybe was asked lot of time ...".

2009-12-04 Thread peasthope

> Apparently, it does not respect any configuration method other than 
> gconf-editor.

Configuration _via_ plain text is easily understood and 
allows automated processing.  Twinkle, for example, 
has ~/.twinkle/peter.ab containing lines such as this.

The file is easily manipulated with an editor, a regular 
expression tool or something more sophisticated.  It 
is a well established and powerful means of configuration.  

Regards, ... Peter E.

Google "pathology workshop"

ekiga-list mailing list