Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-04 Thread Torsten Schlabach
> > and we can bury SIP finally.
> Joking ? Sip support is really important. Most VideOIP software support
> it.

Keep cool!

I think all he wanted to say was: Nobody who does not *want* to use SIP but 
would rather prefer IAX2 (for example, because he's behind a NAT firewall and 
has problems to make STUN work properly) will not be forced into SIP anymore.

If IAX2 will marginalize SIP (as SIP did with H.323) is to be seen.

Just wondering, and yes, this is entirely off-topic:

Does IAX2 support video?

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-04 Thread michel memeteau
On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 11:35 AM, Torsten Schlabach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > and we can bury SIP finally.

Joking ? Sip support is really important. Most VideOIP software support it.

Michel memeteau
Blog 0.2 :
Fixe : 0874763294 Mobile : 0624808051
jabber/GoogleTalk : xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-04 Thread Torsten Schlabach
Hi Rene!

> So I hope IETF or ITU accept IAX2 as standard 
> and we can bury SIP finally.

Would be nice.

So maybe we can put some effort into

Someone was close a year ago.


> Datum: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 22:21:58 +0200 (CEST)
> Von: "Rene Bartsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 
> *only*

> > Stu,
> >
> >> I have used [Skype] for 2 years very successfully.
> >
> > I had been forced into using Skype quite a number of times through the
> last years and I have some mixed experience with it. But that's not at
> all the point.
> >
> > The question is rather: Would you want to use a closed user group email
> system on which you can only write mails to people having an account on
> the same system and where you couldn't use your favorite MUA to read
> mail, but the only available option would be the closed source binary
> only specific OS platforms only mail client that comes with the service?
> [Closed Source] => You don't know if NSA is listening (or whoever) ;)
> > I remember using two such systems back in the 80ies, one we may all
> remember, it was called CompuServe, the other one (for the Germans here)
> was BTX, the predecessor of T-Online. But 20 years have passed since
> then and even they pretty soon installed an Internet mail gateway to
> leverage Metcalfe's Law. They have been a bit slow when it comes to
> waiving their proprietary software and opening it up to POP3/IMAP/SMTP,
> though.
> >
> > Why are people so happy to leap back that 20 years when it comes to VoIP
> telephony?
> This are the same people using the a closed OS called "Windows" ;)
> > But nobody wants a monopoly, right? So we want competition. But how many
> different apps to you want to install onto your PC to make sure
> everybody else can reach you? How many contact IDs from different
> networks do you want to give out to people to be able to call you?
> Espeially given, that there is simple no need for these except to keep
> Skype Inc. and similar companies happy.
> Competition is very good - if all you use the same patent free open
> standards protocol ;)
> > There are two universal addressing systems available to make an audio or
> video call to people. One was invented by the ITU a long time ago and is
> known as the world telephone numbering plan. The other one is known as a
> SIP address (that stuff which looks like an email address, i.e.
> Don't forget IAX2 addressing sheme.
> > While SIP addresses are easier to memorize, they are somewhat hard to
> enter on classic phone devices (these gizmos with a 0-9 keypad), which
> is why a mapping from telephone numbers to SIP addresses makes sense.
> There is a well defined and accepted worldwide standard for this, known
> as ENUM.
> I agree, ENUM is very important to bridge between PSTN and VoIP!
> > If I want to keep my contact details short, then all I need is a phone
> number and a SIP address which can be the same as I email address if I
> want to. Two things to remember for anyone who wants to contact me. And
> I can decide on which terminal device I will accept communication and I
> am free to switch my user agent if I feel a need for it.
> Why two??? Just put your SIP-, IAX2- or email-address into an ENUM-NAPTR
> ;)
> > I can see a number of roadblocks for the further success of VoIP
> telephony:
> >
> > * Protocol fight. That SIP / H.323 / IAX2 thing is like the VHS / Beta
> or HD-DVD / BlueRay thing. Did SMTP / RFC822 ever have to seriously
> compete against any other protocols? I am very frustrated that often I
> can find a VoIP termination provider which is offering nice rates for a
> certain destination, but unfortunately, they don't speak my protocol.
> That's quite a fault by the IETF. The IETF didn't want to have two
> protocols competing against each other, so they decided to accept only one
> as RFC. But what they didn't consider was that the first protocol on the
> market (SIP) can just be a mess. So we have the situation that everyone
> has to use SIP as it's standardized, but people who are frustrated of
> failed an choppy calls switch to the far more better IAX2. So IETF
> achieved what they didn't want - two competing protocols.
> Hardware vendors - like SNOM - want to switch to IAX2, but no standard, no
> implementation :(
> So I hope IETF or ITU accept IAX2 as standard and we can bur

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-03 Thread Rene Bartsch
> Stu,
>> I have used [Skype] for 2 years very successfully.
> I had been forced into using Skype quite a number of times through the
last years and I have some mixed experience with it. But that's not at
all the point.
> The question is rather: Would you want to use a closed user group email
system on which you can only write mails to people having an account on
the same system and where you couldn't use your favorite MUA to read
mail, but the only available option would be the closed source binary
only specific OS platforms only mail client that comes with the service?

[Closed Source] => You don't know if NSA is listening (or whoever) ;)

> I remember using two such systems back in the 80ies, one we may all
remember, it was called CompuServe, the other one (for the Germans here)
was BTX, the predecessor of T-Online. But 20 years have passed since
then and even they pretty soon installed an Internet mail gateway to
leverage Metcalfe's Law. They have been a bit slow when it comes to
waiving their proprietary software and opening it up to POP3/IMAP/SMTP,
> Why are people so happy to leap back that 20 years when it comes to VoIP

This are the same people using the a closed OS called "Windows" ;)

> But nobody wants a monopoly, right? So we want competition. But how many
different apps to you want to install onto your PC to make sure
everybody else can reach you? How many contact IDs from different
networks do you want to give out to people to be able to call you?
Espeially given, that there is simple no need for these except to keep
Skype Inc. and similar companies happy.

Competition is very good - if all you use the same patent free open
standards protocol ;)

> There are two universal addressing systems available to make an audio or
video call to people. One was invented by the ITU a long time ago and is
known as the world telephone numbering plan. The other one is known as a
SIP address (that stuff which looks like an email address, i.e.

Don't forget IAX2 addressing sheme.

> While SIP addresses are easier to memorize, they are somewhat hard to
enter on classic phone devices (these gizmos with a 0-9 keypad), which
is why a mapping from telephone numbers to SIP addresses makes sense.
There is a well defined and accepted worldwide standard for this, known
as ENUM.

I agree, ENUM is very important to bridge between PSTN and VoIP!

> If I want to keep my contact details short, then all I need is a phone
number and a SIP address which can be the same as I email address if I
want to. Two things to remember for anyone who wants to contact me. And
I can decide on which terminal device I will accept communication and I
am free to switch my user agent if I feel a need for it.

Why two??? Just put your SIP-, IAX2- or email-address into an ENUM-NAPTR ;)

> I can see a number of roadblocks for the further success of VoIP telephony:
> * Protocol fight. That SIP / H.323 / IAX2 thing is like the VHS / Beta
or HD-DVD / BlueRay thing. Did SMTP / RFC822 ever have to seriously
compete against any other protocols? I am very frustrated that often I
can find a VoIP termination provider which is offering nice rates for a
certain destination, but unfortunately, they don't speak my protocol.

That's quite a fault by the IETF. The IETF didn't want to have two
protocols competing against each other, so they decided to accept only one
as RFC. But what they didn't consider was that the first protocol on the
market (SIP) can just be a mess. So we have the situation that everyone
has to use SIP as it's standardized, but people who are frustrated of
failed an choppy calls switch to the far more better IAX2. So IETF
achieved what they didn't want - two competing protocols.

Hardware vendors - like SNOM - want to switch to IAX2, but no standard, no
implementation :(

So I hope IETF or ITU accept IAX2 as standard and we can bury SIP finally.

> * The de-facto ENUM boycott. There is exactly one way to handle this
IMO: Regulation. Period. Telco's don't want is, as they did not want
number portability as they did not want a lot of other things.

You're right. Regulators should just force the telcos to evaluate ENUM at
each call. That way each user can have his custom routing.

The next step would be to force the telcos to terminate with SIP/IAX2.

> * Flatrates and the GSM revolution. I know a number of countries where
people know fixed line phones just from old movies and laught at it.
Where people still use landline phones, more often than not you can get
a flatrate for unlimited national landline calls, for a bit more also
national mobile networks or landlines on the same continent. The
argument that VoIP is cheaper only work in niche situations any more. On
the other hand, if GSM operators keep one thing up, it's their
termination fees. (They usually keep them exactly at what the regulators
allow them to charge.)

UMTS phones use SIP, too ;) But you get charged for a satelite call a

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-03 Thread Stuart Lesnett
> If I switch from Skype to Acme, I need to make sure everybody has the new 
> contact details. And in Skype there isn't even anything like call forwarding. 
> Consumer protection agencies together with telecom regulators in many parts 
> of the world have fighted for years to enable portability of phone numbers as 
> this is a prerequisite for serious competition among telcos (fixed and 
> mobile). Why would we want to drop these achievements without any need?
> Coming back to the infancy of VoIP telephony: Don't mix up geeks and the rest 
> of us. Skype looks successful, because a lot of people who have a PC have 
> downloaded it once in their live. There is a ratio of downloaded copies 
> versus users online of 10:1 or worse. And even if you take the some 2-digit 
> million downloads of Skype, that would make for a market share in the single 
> digit percents. No, not of the VoIP market, of the telephone calls market. 
> Any medium sized european country will have more GSM subscribers than Skype 
> worldwide.
> I can see a number of roadblocks for the further success of VoIP telephony:
> * Protocol fight. That SIP / H.323 / IAX2 thing is like the VHS / Beta or 
> HD-DVD / BlueRay thing. Did SMTP / RFC822 ever have to seriously compete 
> against any other protocols? I am very frustrated that often I can find a 
> VoIP termination provider which is offering nice rates for a certain 
> destination, but unfortunately, they don't speak my protocol.
> * The de-facto ENUM boycott. There is exactly one way to handle this IMO: 
> Regulation. Period. Telco's don't want is, as they did not want number 
> portability as they did not want a lot of other things.
> * Flatrates and the GSM revolution. I know a number of countries where people 
> know fixed line phones just from old movies and laught at it. Where people 
> still use landline phones, more often than not you can get a flatrate for 
> unlimited national landline calls, for a bit more also national mobile 
> networks or landlines on the same continent. The argument that VoIP is 
> cheaper only work in niche situations any more. On the other hand, if GSM 
> operators keep one thing up, it's their termination fees. (They usually keep 
> them exactly at what the regulators allow them to charge.)
> There is nothing wrong with GSM, don't get me wrong. But again, IMO 
> regulation would be needed to force them to open up their networks to VoIP.
> If all that would happen, then a VoIP client (such as Ekiga for example) 
> would be as popular as a webbrowser (such as Mozilla, for example) just 
> because everybody needs it, not just some geeks.
> And by the way:
> > (1) Damien currently has 248 error reports on bugzilla unresolved
> No, not Damien. The Ekiga community. If you're annoyed by a bug, you got two 
> choices: Use something else which is better (for many people this isn't 
> Skype) or fix it. If you're a business and have a business need: Pay someone 
> to fix it.
> Regards,
> Torsten
>  Original-Nachricht 
> > Datum: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:17:49 -0400
> > Von: Stuart Lesnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > An: Ekiga mailing list 
> > Betreff: Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available   
> > for WIN32   *only*
> > If find Dee's comment interesting since, I came from the Windows/Skype
> > community to investigate UBUNTU/Ekiga or at that time gnome community.
> > I think 2 things have happend: (1) Damien currently has 248 error
> > reports on bugzilla unresolved and the ekiga windows package even in
> > beta form has always run much better. (2) SKYPE own this all ready
> > established market and he's looking for a free ride.
> > 
> >   
> > Personally, I have had nothing but link-ekiga and received nothing but
> > attitude from Damien some of the other staff members have very hard and
> > my thanks to them.
> > 
> > 
> > I hope they will work to cleanup the current bugs on linux. I have used
> > SKYPE for 2 years very successfully.
> > 
> > Stu
> >  
> > On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 09:20 +, D Webb wrote:
> > 
> > >  > Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 00:57 +0200, Torsten Schlabach a
> > > écrit :
> > > > > Mhmmm ...
> > > > > 
> > > > > 2 hours before the end of April 1st!
> > > > > 
> > > > > You got me for some minutes.
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > It was indeed an April Fool ;-)
> > > > -- 
> > > > _ Damien Sandras
> > > 
> > > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> > > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> > > 
> > > Dee
> > > 
> > > 
> > > __
> > > Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > ekiga-list mailing list
> > >
> > >
> ___
> ekiga-list mailing list
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-03 Thread Torsten Schlabach
he argument that VoIP is cheaper only work 
in niche situations any more. On the other hand, if GSM operators keep one 
thing up, it's their termination fees. (They usually keep them exactly at what 
the regulators allow them to charge.)

There is nothing wrong with GSM, don't get me wrong. But again, IMO regulation 
would be needed to force them to open up their networks to VoIP.

If all that would happen, then a VoIP client (such as Ekiga for example) would 
be as popular as a webbrowser (such as Mozilla, for example) just because 
everybody needs it, not just some geeks.

And by the way:

> (1) Damien currently has 248 error reports on bugzilla unresolved

No, not Damien. The Ekiga community. If you're annoyed by a bug, you got two 
choices: Use something else which is better (for many people this isn't Skype) 
or fix it. If you're a business and have a business need: Pay someone to fix it.


> Datum: Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:17:49 -0400
> Von: Stuart Lesnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: Ekiga mailing list 
> Betreff: Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00   available   
> for WIN32   *only*

> If find Dee's comment interesting since, I came from the Windows/Skype
> community to investigate UBUNTU/Ekiga or at that time gnome community.
> I think 2 things have happend: (1) Damien currently has 248 error
> reports on bugzilla unresolved and the ekiga windows package even in
> beta form has always run much better. (2) SKYPE own this all ready
> established market and he's looking for a free ride.
> Personally, I have had nothing but link-ekiga and received nothing but
> attitude from Damien some of the other staff members have very hard and
> my thanks to them.
> I hope they will work to cleanup the current bugs on linux. I have used
> SKYPE for 2 years very successfully.
> Stu
> On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 09:20 +, D Webb wrote:
> >  > Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 00:57 +0200, Torsten Schlabach a
> > écrit :
> > > > Mhmmm ...
> > > > 
> > > > 2 hours before the end of April 1st!
> > > > 
> > > > You got me for some minutes.
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > It was indeed an April Fool ;-)
> > > -- 
> > > _ Damien Sandras
> > 
> > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> > 
> > Dee
> > 
> > 
> > __
> > Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.
> > 
> > ___
> > ekiga-list mailing list
> >
> >
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Damien Sandras
Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 11:17 -0400, Stuart Lesnett a écrit :
> If find Dee's comment interesting since, I came from the Windows/Skype
> community to investigate UBUNTU/Ekiga or at that time gnome community.
> I think 2 things have happend: (1) Damien currently has 248 error
> reports on bugzilla unresolved and the ekiga windows package even in
> beta form has always run much better. (2) SKYPE own this all 

You should not make generalities out of your personal experience.

Notice also that there are 188 reports (I had to do some clean ups)
- 101 features requests
- 87 reported problems

By comparison, a product like nautilus (which has far more users, but
less complexity and dependencies on weird things like audio and video
devices and hardware) has 1940 bug reports.

 _ Damien Sandras
//\Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM :
   FOSDEM  :
   SIP Phone   : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Sergei Steshenko

--- Shawn Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dee,
> Nothing against your comment, but i cannot resist this post.
> Following this logic, since windoze is an unstable and insecure product 
> that people pay for, it would be fitting that ekiga for windows would 
> have to also become a unstable, and insecure product that is not free.
> This will save the team work - just release the alpha version for win32, 
> and ensure all errors end with a blue screen that blames the problem on 
> some other application.
> :)
> D Webb wrote:
> > 
> >  > > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software
> >  > > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> >  >
> >  > I don't get you.
> >  >
> >  > Regards,
> >  > Torsten
> > 
> > Stepping back our steps, it would be fitting for Ekiga for Windows to be
> > a commercial product since Windows is a commercial product.
> > 
> > Dee
> > 
> > 
> > Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic. 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > ekiga-list mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 
> Shawn Adams
> ___
> ekiga-list mailing list

And it may be a good idea to perform QA work - let Windows users suffer _grin_.


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You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Shawn Adams


Nothing against your comment, but i cannot resist this post.

Following this logic, since windoze is an unstable and insecure product 
that people pay for, it would be fitting that ekiga for windows would 
have to also become a unstable, and insecure product that is not free.

This will save the team work - just release the alpha version for win32, 
and ensure all errors end with a blue screen that blames the problem on 
some other application.


D Webb wrote:
>  > > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software
>  > > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
>  >
>  > I don't get you.
>  >
>  > Regards,
>  > Torsten
> Stepping back our steps, it would be fitting for Ekiga for Windows to be
> a commercial product since Windows is a commercial product.
> Dee
> Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic. 
> ___
> ekiga-list mailing list

Shawn Adams

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread michel memeteau
On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 2:17 PM, Sergei Steshenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Well, the sad truth is that to make a program known/popular one has to make 
> it
>  running well on Windows, even though originally it could be a Linux/Unix 
> program.

But Not really for a communication program. Let's say Windows
messenger,  Google talk, and others opensource SIp programs would
support SIP completly , Ekiga would not really have to work hard on
the Win32 build I think  ; because you could talk easily with people
on other OSes.

Today is not the case and commercial/proprietary SIP software are not
good enough , so there is need and room for Win32 ekiga I guess ...

Michel memeteau
Blog 0.2 :
Fixe : 0874763294 Mobile : 0624808051
jabber/GoogleTalk : xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Stuart Lesnett
If find Dee's comment interesting since, I came from the Windows/Skype
community to investigate UBUNTU/Ekiga or at that time gnome community.
I think 2 things have happend: (1) Damien currently has 248 error
reports on bugzilla unresolved and the ekiga windows package even in
beta form has always run much better. (2) SKYPE own this all ready
established market and he's looking for a free ride.

Personally, I have had nothing but link-ekiga and received nothing but
attitude from Damien some of the other staff members have very hard and
my thanks to them.

I hope they will work to cleanup the current bugs on linux. I have used
SKYPE for 2 years very successfully.

On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 09:20 +, D Webb wrote:

>  > Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 00:57 +0200, Torsten Schlabach a
> écrit :
> > > Mhmmm ...
> > > 
> > > 2 hours before the end of April 1st!
> > > 
> > > You got me for some minutes.
> > > 
> > 
> > It was indeed an April Fool ;-)
> > -- 
> > _ Damien Sandras
> Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> Dee
> __
> Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.
> ___
> ekiga-list mailing list
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread D Webb

> > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> I don't get you.
> Regards,
> Torsten

Stepping back our steps, it would be fitting for Ekiga for Windows to be 
a commercial product since Windows is a commercial product.


Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Sergei Steshenko

--- Torsten Schlabach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Dee!
> > Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> > is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.
> I don't get you.
> Regards,
> Torsten
> ___
> ekiga-list mailing list

Well, the sad truth is that to make a program known/popular one has to make it
running well on Windows, even though originally it could be a Linux/Unix 

I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking generally.


Applications From Scratch:


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Torsten Schlabach
Hi Dee!

> Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
> is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.

I don't get you.

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread D Webb

 > Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 00:57 +0200, Torsten Schlabach a écrit :
> > Mhmmm ...
> > 
> > 2 hours before the end of April 1st!
> > 
> > You got me for some minutes.
> > 
> It was indeed an April Fool ;-)
> -- 
>  _ Damien Sandras

Sad! Windows is a commercial operating system. Commercial software 
is quite fitting. It is now 2 April and I am not fooling.


Going green? See the top 12 foods to eat organic.
ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-02 Thread Damien Sandras

Le mercredi 02 avril 2008 à 00:57 +0200, Torsten Schlabach a écrit :
> Mhmmm ...
> 2 hours before the end of April 1st!
> You got me for some minutes.

It was indeed an April Fool ;-)
 _ Damien Sandras
//\Ekiga Softphone :
v_/_   NOVACOM :
   FOSDEM  :
   SIP Phone   : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ekiga-list mailing list

Re: [Ekiga-list] [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

2008-04-01 Thread Torsten Schlabach
Mhmmm ...

2 hours before the end of April 1st!

You got me for some minutes.


> Datum: Tue, 01 Apr 2008 21:57:33 +0200
> Von: Damien Sandras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> An: Ekiga mailing list , ekiga-devel-list <[EMAIL 
> Betreff: [Ekiga-devel-list] Ekiga 3.00 available for WIN32 *only*

> Hello,
> I just put the news on :
> Due to the big popularity of the Microsoft Windows operating system
> compared to the GNU/Linux desktop, we have decided to put all our
> efforts on the WIN32 port of Ekiga.
> Due to the increased amount of work and the lack of spare time, Ekiga
> 3.00 will only be released for WIN32.
> While Ekiga 3.00 will stay free (as free beer), it will be the last
> version to be completely free. From Ekiga 3.20, Ekiga will become a
> shareware with a small license fee to use either Ekiga or its associated
> platform The money that it will generate will finally allow
> us to live from our project instead of spending countless hours for free
> on it.
> -- 
>  _ Damien Sandras
> (o-  
> //\Ekiga Softphone :
> v_/_   NOVACOM :
>SIP Phone   : sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ___
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