
I have a csv file as follow :
<timestamp>,10,CPU load,....
<timestamp>,3958,Memory used,....

So, I parse the csv. I create a new field, I use content of the 3rd column 
as name, and the 2nd column as value.

Extract of my configuration:

if [type] == "csv_perfmon" {
    csv {
      columns => [
        "name" ]
      add_field => {
        "syslog_severity" => "notice"
        "syslog_severity_code" => "5"
"syslog_hostname" => ""
"syslog_program" => "serverAgent"
"%{name}" => "%{value}"
    date {
      match => [ "syslog_timestamp", "UNIX_MS" ]
      target => "syslog_timestamp"
    mutate {
      rename => [ "message", "syslog_message" ]
      convert => [ "%{name}", "float" ]
      remove_field => [
        ......... ]

Everything is fine in kibana/elasticsearch, I can see the new field and its 
However I can not change the type of the field.
The mutate part doesn't work :

 mutate {
      convert => [ "%{name}", "float" ]

The field type is still a string. So I can't graph it in kibana

Note: If I don't use a variable, it works
 mutate {
      convert => [ "CPU load", "float" ]

Is it a bug or I miss something ?

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