Optimal configuration for 2 high powered nodes

2014-10-15 Thread Rémi Nonnon

I think the 2nd proposition could be the worst. With more than 32GB the JVM 
will use uncompressed pointer. 
Take a look at this : 

Hope this help

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Elasticsearch give a factor to aggregations

2014-10-14 Thread Rémi Nonnon
Hi all,

I'm wondering something about aggregations, say Percentiles.
When a percentile aggregation is processed, it uses a specific field as a 
reference. If the 50th percentile for field 'f' is 10, it means there are 
50% of documents with 'f' under 10. 
= Each document has the same weight in the aggregation (=1)

I'm wondering if it could be possible to give a different weight for each 
The following Gist give an example of what I'd like to do : 

I'd like to compute some percentiles on the age field. But for each 
document, there is a count field associated.
For example, there are 5 person who are 10 years old ; 1 who is 20 years 
If the percentile agg runs, it won't use my factor to compute the 
I don't think that feature is natively supported, but, do you guess it 
could be easily supported?


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Re: Range Filter Aggregation on array

2014-10-08 Thread Rémi Nonnon

Thanks for your answer. I think it will be the solution.

Le mardi 7 octobre 2014 11:53:18 UTC+2, Adrien Grand a écrit :


 Aggregations can only count documents. So if you want to count values, you 
 need to model your data in such a way that each value is going to be a 
 document, for instance by using nested documents. Here is an example how 
 you could do that:

 DELETE test

 PUT test
   mappings: {
 test: {
   properties: {
 array: {
   type: nested,
   properties: {
 value: {
   type: integer

 PUT test/test/1
   array: [
   value: 927
   value: 425
   value: 455
   value: 120

 GET test/_search
   aggs: {
 array: {
   nested: {
 path: array
   aggs: {
 less_than_500: {
   filter: {
 range: {
   array.value: {
 to: 500

 On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 10:41 AM, Rémi Nonnon remi@gmail.com 
 javascript: wrote:

 Hi all,

 I have some troubles when I try to use Range Filter aggregation on an 

 Example of 1 document :

_index: test,
_type: values,
_id: 1,
_version: 1,
found: true,
_source: {
   array: [927,425,455,120]

 For all my values document, I'd like to count, on array field, how 
 many numbers are less than 200 and how many are greater than 500.

 I tried this aggregation :

 GET /test/values/_search

   aggs : {
 less : {
   filter:{range:{array:{ lt : 200}}}
 greater : {
filter:{range:{array:{ gt : 500}}}

 But the 1st filter count the number of documents which have an array 
 containing a value 200 and the 2nd how many have a value 500. What I'd 
 like is to count, for all documents, how many values (not how many 
 document) are 200 and how many are 500.

 If I make a sum / min / max aggregation, it will be on each value in 
 arrays but not with a filter. Do you have an idea how to do that thing?

 I did it with 2 script filters, it works, but the computing time is too 
 bad :

   aggs : {
 less : {
 script: def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  200) 
 sum++}; return sum;}
 greater : {
  script:def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  500) 
 sum++}; return sum;}

 Any Idea? Thanks!

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 Adrien Grand

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Re: Range Filter Aggregation on array

2014-10-08 Thread Rémi Nonnon

It's ok, I think you are right, nested will be the solution.


Le mardi 7 octobre 2014 11:38:44 UTC+2, David Pilato a écrit :

 I have no idea. It's hard to understand what you exactly did without a 
 full reproduction.
 A SENSE script posted as a GIST would help a lot I think.

 *David Pilato* | Technical Advocate | *elasticsearch.com 
 david@elasticsearch.com javascript:
 @dadoonet https://twitter.com/dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr 
 https://twitter.com/elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs 

 Le 7 octobre 2014 à 10:49:54, Rémi Nonnon (remi@gmail.com 
 javascript:) a écrit:


 Thanks for your immediate help! 
 (sorry i deleted this post because I didn't find how to edit it. I posted 
 a new one)

 I did it with nested documents but the array seems to be faster on other 
 aggregations like extended stats or percentiles then I wondered if my 
 filters are well written.

 Thanks again.

 Le mardi 7 octobre 2014 10:38:43 UTC+2, David Pilato a écrit : 

  One of the solution I can think is by using nested documents for your 
  In that case, each element of the array will be seen as the document.
  Hope this helps

 * David Pilato* | Technical Advocate | *elasticsearch.com 
  @dadoonet https://twitter.com/dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr 
 https://twitter.com/elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs 

 Le 7 octobre 2014 à 10:36:28, Rémi Nonnon (remi@gmail.com) a écrit:

  Hi all, 

 I have some troubles when I try to use Range Filter aggregation on an 

 Example of 1 document :
_index: test,
_type: values,
_id: 1,
_version: 1,
found: true,
_source: {
   array: [927,425,455,120]
 For all my values document, I'd like to count for array field how 
 many numbers are less than 200 and how many are greater than 500.

 I tried this aggregation :

  GET /test/values/_search
   aggs : {
 less : {
   filter:{range:{array:{ lt : 200}}}
 greater : {
filter:{range:{array:{ gt : 500}}}

 But the 1st filter count the number of documents which have an array 
 containing a value 200 and the 2nd how many have a value 500.
 What I'd like is to count how many values are 200 and how many are 500 
 (not how many document).

 If I make a sum / min / max aggregation, it will be on each value in 
 arrays but not with a filter.
 Do you have an idea how to do that thing?

 I did it with 2 script filters, it works, but the computing time is too 
 bad :

   aggs : {
 less : {
 script: def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  200) 
 sum++}; return sum;}
 greater : {
  script:def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  500) 
 sum++}; return sum;}

 Any Idea?
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Range Filter Aggregation on array

2014-10-07 Thread Rémi Nonnon

Hi all,

I have some troubles when I try to use Range Filter aggregation on an array.

Example of 1 document :

   _index: test,
   _type: values,
   _id: 1,
   _version: 1,
   found: true,
   _source: {
  array: [927,425,455,120]

For all my values document, I'd like to count, on array field, how many 
numbers are less than 200 and how many are greater than 500.

I tried this aggregation :

GET /test/values/_search

  aggs : {
less : {
  filter:{range:{array:{ lt : 200}}}
greater : {
   filter:{range:{array:{ gt : 500}}}

But the 1st filter count the number of documents which have an array 
containing a value 200 and the 2nd how many have a value 500. What I'd 
like is to count, for all documents, how many values (not how many 
document) are 200 and how many are 500.

If I make a sum / min / max aggregation, it will be on each value in arrays 
but not with a filter. Do you have an idea how to do that thing?

I did it with 2 script filters, it works, but the computing time is too bad 

  aggs : {
less : {
script: def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  200) sum++}; 
return sum;}
greater : {
 script:def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  500) sum++}; 
return sum;}

Any Idea? Thanks!

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Re: Range Filter Aggregation on array

2014-10-07 Thread Rémi Nonnon

Thanks for your immediate help! 
(sorry i deleted this post because I didn't find how to edit it. I posted a 
new one)

I did it with nested documents but the array seems to be faster on other 
aggregations like extended stats or percentiles then I wondered if my 
filters are well written.

Thanks again.

Le mardi 7 octobre 2014 10:38:43 UTC+2, David Pilato a écrit :

 One of the solution I can think is by using nested documents for your 
 In that case, each element of the array will be seen as the document.

 Hope this helps

 *David Pilato* | Technical Advocate | *elasticsearch.com 
 david@elasticsearch.com javascript:
 @dadoonet https://twitter.com/dadoonet | @elasticsearchfr 
 https://twitter.com/elasticsearchfr | @scrutmydocs 

 Le 7 octobre 2014 à 10:36:28, Rémi Nonnon (remi@gmail.com 
 javascript:) a écrit:

 Hi all, 

 I have some troubles when I try to use Range Filter aggregation on an 

 Example of 1 document :
_index: test,
_type: values,
_id: 1,
_version: 1,
found: true,
_source: {
   array: [927,425,455,120]
 For all my values document, I'd like to count for array field how many 
 numbers are less than 200 and how many are greater than 500.

 I tried this aggregation :

  GET /test/values/_search
   aggs : {
 less : {
   filter:{range:{array:{ lt : 200}}}
 greater : {
filter:{range:{array:{ gt : 500}}}

 But the 1st filter count the number of documents which have an array 
 containing a value 200 and the 2nd how many have a value 500.
 What I'd like is to count how many values are 200 and how many are 500 
 (not how many document).

 If I make a sum / min / max aggregation, it will be on each value in 
 arrays but not with a filter.
 Do you have an idea how to do that thing?

 I did it with 2 script filters, it works, but the computing time is too 
 bad :

   aggs : {
 less : {
 script: def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  200) 
 sum++}; return sum;}
 greater : {
  script:def sum = 0; doc['array'].values.each(){if(it  500) 
 sum++}; return sum;}

 Any Idea?
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Histogram aggregation keys

2014-06-24 Thread Rémi Nonnon

I'm working with histogram aggregation but there is something strange with 
For instance (cf : 

*If I use this request :*

aggs : {
prices : {
histogram : {
field : price,
interval : 50

*I obtain something like this :*

aggregations: {
prices : {
buckets: [

*key_as_string : 0,*
key: 0,
doc_count: 2

*key_as_string : 50,*

key: 50,
doc_count: 4

*key_as_string : 150,*

key: 150,
doc_count: 3

*Instead of :*

aggregations: {
prices : {
buckets: [
key: 0,
doc_count: 2
key: 50,
doc_count: 4
key: 150,
doc_count: 3

You could say, it's not important but it generates json ~1/3 bigger...
*Is there a mean to disable this ???*

Moreover, in Elasticsearch Java API, it could be fine to have a method to 
request the response as a hash instead keyed by the buckets keys (cf 


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