Graphing MySQL status variables in Kibana

2014-09-24 Thread Rhys Campbell
Hi All,

I've been trying to graph data obtains from a SHOW STATUS mysql query. 
When attempting to graph Threads_connected using Kibana is received the 
following error...

cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData] 

I checked my mappings and the Value field has been added to elasticsearch 
as a string even though it only ever contains integer counts. I don;t 
really want to re-dump my data and change mappings so I've managed to fix 
the query using dynamic scripting like so...

curl -XGET 'http://hostname:9200/_all/_search?pretty' -d '{
  facets: {
0: {
  date_histogram: {
key_field: @timestamp,
value: doc['Value'].Intvalue,
interval: 5m
  global: true,
  facet_filter: {
fquery: {
  query: {
filtered: {
  query: {
query_string: {
  query: source:mysql_status AND 
  filter: {
bool: {
  must: [
  range: {
@timestamp: {
  from: 1411520355984,
  to: 1411563555984
  size: 0

I have simply changed..

value: Value,


value: doc['Value'].Intvalue,

This query returns what I want but I am unable to get this into Kibana 
without it throwing some kind of error. So my question would be... how do I 
get my historgram to use data from the above query?


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Kibana elasticsearch query question

2014-09-24 Thread Rhys Campbell
Hi All,

I've been trying to graph data obtains from a SHOW STATUS mysql query. 
When attempting to graph Threads_connected using Kibana is received the 
following error...

cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData] 

I checked my mappings and the Value field has been added to elasticsearch 
as a string even though it only ever contains integer counts. I don;t 
really want to re-dump my data and change mappings so I've managed to fix 
the query using dynamic scripting like so...

curl -XGET 'http://hostname:9200/_all/_search?pretty' -d '{
  facets: {
0: {
  date_histogram: {
key_field: @timestamp,
value: doc['Value'].Intvalue,
interval: 5m
  global: true,
  facet_filter: {
fquery: {
  query: {
filtered: {
  query: {
query_string: {
  query: source:mysql_status AND 
  filter: {
bool: {
  must: [
  range: {
@timestamp: {
  from: 1411520355984,
  to: 1411563555984
  size: 0

I have simply changed..

value: Value,


value: doc['Value'].Intvalue,

This query returns what I want but I am unable to get this into Kibana 
without it throwing some kind of error. So my question would be... how do I 
get my historgram to use data from the above query?


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Set active index

2014-08-05 Thread Rhys Campbell
Hi All,

I have setup a EFK system just for testing at the moment. 

It's running in a VM with not much RAM and I am having problem with the 
elasticsearch process because of this. The VIRT = 12GB which is 
approximately the total size of the indexes.

My indexes are split by date like so...


and so on. I'm guessing elasticsearch is trying to hold all of this in RAM. 
Is there a way I can setup elasticsearch to only search a specific index 
(or number of indices)? Is it just a case of archiving the logs I don't 
want ES to deal with? Ideally I'd like to work with only the last day or 
two of indexes which will hopefully all fit into RAM.



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Data too large error

2014-07-31 Thread Rhys Campbell
I occasionally get the following error in Kibana from elasticsearch

*1.   *

too large, data for field [@timestamp] would be larger than limit 

I even get this when searching for 5 min of data through the Kibana log 
stash search. It will disappear and reappear for the reason apparent to me. 
My total data size is not that big yet.

Elastic search has been left on the default of  splitting the indices by 
day. The current size in 168M for today. 

Any hints?



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