Previously, I was using storm topology to build my pipeline to suffice my 
use case which was - Reading from Kafka topic through Kafka spout, process 
these tuples in Bolt, then emit them to ElasticSearch bolt to index my 
tuples. In storm topology, I was able to acknowledge each tuple i was 
indexing and these  acknowledgments were sent from EsBolt to spout and 
finally to Zookeeper.

Later I realised that Storm is not the appropriate component for my use 
case and I switched to Spark. I am doing the same thing with Spark - 
Reading from Kafka topic, reading messages in Spark stream, pass this 
stream to a component which converts this stream to RDD and finally indexes 
these RDDs. But now, there is no mechanism for acknowledgements. But I 
still want to send acknowledgements for each messages being indexed to the 
previous component.

My code looks like this - 

JavaEsSpark.saveJsonToEs(jrd, "index_{date}/type");

How can I get acknowledgements in Spark-ElasticSearch framework? 

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