Prateek ,

I've collected this from various sources and put it all together. Works 
fine for me, though I haven't yet dived into ELK:


You may verify the current soft limit by logging into the user that runs 
the Elastisearch JVM and issuing the following command:

$ ulimit -Sn

Finally, verify that Elasticsearch is indeed able to open up to this number 
of file handles from the max_file_descriptors value for each node via the 
_nodes API:

$ curl localhost:9200/_nodes/process?pretty && echo


Update the */etc/security/limits.conf* file and ensure that it contains the 
following two lines and all is well again:

*username*      hard    nofile      65537
*username*      soft    nofile      65536

Of course, replace the '*username*' user name to reflect the user on your 
own machines that are running Elasticsearch.


In Solaris 9, the default limit of file descriptors per process was raised 
from 1024 to 65536.


Create or edit */etc/launchd.conf* and add the following line:

limit maxfiles 400000 400000

Then shutdown OS X and restart the Mac. Verify the settings by opening a 
new terminal, and running either or both commands below:

$ launchctl limit maxfiles
$ ulimit -a

You should see the maxfiles set to 400000 from the output of both of those 


Note that this is more of a Unix thing than an Elasticsearch thing. So if 
you are still having issues you may wish to ask on a newsgroup that 
specifically targets your operating system.

Also note that it's not a good practice to run an application as root. Too 
much chance to wipe out something from which you could never recover, and 
all that. I remember than once our operations folks started ES as root, and 
then after that the data files were owned by root and the non-root ES user 
now had troubles starting with locking errors all over the logs. I ended up 
performing a recursive chown to the ES filesystem and when restarted as the 
non-root user all was well again.


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